Siemens NX 2023 Build 2801 (NX 2007 Series) & HTML Documentation | 47.9 Gb
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Product:Siemens NX Continuous Release
Version:NX 2023 Build 2801 (NX 2007 Series) & HTML Documentation
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Languages Supported:multilanguage
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:47.9 Gb
The Siemens Digital Industries Software development team is pleased to announce the availability of NX 2023 Build 2801 (NX 2007 Series). Last base release, builds upon the continuous release process, introduces significant new and enhanced functionality in all areas of the product, as well as several new design tools, to help you work more productively and efficiently to build your 3D digital twin.
NX 2023 Build 2801 (NX 2007 Series) Release Notes - Date: April 2022
Nesting parts using Teamcenter Integration for NX
You can nest one or more NX parts, assemblies, or .dxf files when you use Teamcenter Integration for NX. You can also nest more than one of these together in one operation. When you configure the nesting, you can specify a location for saving the following output files that NX generates as a result of the nesting operation. To specify the location, use the options on the Nesting dialog box→Nest Settings tab→Output group.
- A .prt file.
- A .dxf file for each nested stock layout.
- A consolidated report of the nesting as a PDF file.
NX saves these generated files locally at the specified location and does not upload them to Teamcenter. You can view and open them from this location.
Note:that NX does not open the nested parts in the current session of Teamcenter Integration for NX.
2023,8483478,About kinematics model including many drive structures,MFG_FIXTURE_PL,GENERAL,SUPPORT
2023,8492750,Combination of Beam-resultant element-nodal giving wrong results,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,POST_RESULT
2023,8492955,Japanese character preview is not displayed in NX2007,PMI,NOTES,TEXT_EDITOR
2023,8493422,IFC export of an assembly from NX running in managed mode fails,TRANSLATOR,IFC,EXPORT
2023,8494709,Error on opening part,DRAFTING,DRAWING/VIEW,VW_ALIGNMENT
2023,9666494,Reset From Table doesn't Retain the Value in UI for Turning Z-DRILLING,CAM,TURNING,DRILLING
2023,9863052,NX doesn't release PCB license when leaving PCB Exchange,PCB_EXCHANGE,ALL,ALL
2023,10052501,Maximum RPM is set to 0 after generation,CAM,TURNING,DRILLING
2023,10120735,Cavity Mill - Wrong Toolpath on Siemens 840D,CAM,CAVITY_MILLING,OTHER
2023,10205450,PR Information - PTP mit Bohrstange,CAM,FEATURE_BASED,FEATURE_RECOGNI
2023,10222753,NX PR: Human figure is not able to be load in NX,NX_JACK,FIGURES,ALL
2023,10227404,Failed to save session in NX for session created in AW with snapshots,DMU,DESIGN_SESSION,ALL
2023,10229057,Opening drawing gives: internal error memory access violation,DRAFTING,TABLES,PARTS_LIST
2023,10232406,new file in replace data sources it is not honored if we key in instead of brows,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,LAYOUTSTATES
2023,10233915,Is not possible to delete commponment from assembly - error 580039,DRAFTING,TABLES,PARTS_LIST
2023,10234992,"""An invalid input was received by a TEXT routine"" publishing TDP to operating sy",TECH_DATA_PKG,PUBLISH,CORE
2023,10239305,Error Opening Assembly File,DRAFTING,DRAWING/VIEW,VW_ALIGNMENT
2023,10243944,Unable to open drawing files in NX 2008,DRAFTING,DRAWING/VIEW,VW_ALIGNMENT
2023,10244599,Wrong generated solid IPW from MLP using GM operation with alternative positions,CAM,TURNING,IPW
2023,10245859,NX Motion: Export Motion Target Folder of JT-Files not consistent,CAE,MOTION,EXPORT_TCV
2023,10246467,Saving Post and Doc. File in TC/MFG returns in an internal Error,CAM,TC_MFG,OTHER
2023,10249059,Issue migrating NXOpen functions from NX11 to NX1973,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,MESH_2D
2023,10251490,About input Multibyte font to Note,PMI,NOTES,TEXT_EDITOR
2023,10252050,"Kanji input issue on new UI ""WYSIWYG""",PMI,NOTES,TEXT_EDITOR
2023,10254036,FLW: IPA Logging Scenarios performance- Create a large set of new parts and Save,SHIP_DESIGN,MODELING,ALL
2023,10254124,Error when Results Combination of Beam Resultants are created,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,POST_RESULT
2023,10255861,Low speed to import DXF/DWG files to Work part.,TRANSLATOR,DXF_DWG,IMPORT_DRAFTING
2023,10256777,"""Create Feature Process"" does not execute the TCL halt code",CAM,FEATURE_BASED,RULES_OOTB
2023,10256940,Edit sketch expression in silently opened part throws code 580014,DESIGN,FEATURE_MODEL,UPDATE
2023,10258329,PR: NX P&ID Design Validation Dialog - checks partially loaded,KDA,DIAGRM_FRAMEWRK,TITLE_BLOCKS
2023,10262576,Electrode Attributes not updated by Bill of Material Journal in NX2007,KDA,ELECTRODE_DESGN,BOM
2023,10264469,errors when trying to edit Fields,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,FIELDS
2023,10265601,Ped Pro NX2015 k2nx11gtr front issue with mesh,KDA,GENERAL_PACKAGE,PEDPRO
2023,10266441,Setting Under/Overflow in Post View - Legend leads to Internal Error,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,POST_LEGEND
2023,10266624,Ped Pro AMD10484_001_GEO_FIN001_2015_GTRMLS,KDA,GENERAL_PACKAGE,PEDPRO
2023,10267016,NX - Ship Mesh Automation - formula not resolved correctly,SHIP_DESIGN,TOOLS,CAE_PREPARATION
2023,10269693,Profile sketches error when using one profile per sketch,SHIP_DESIGN,DRAWING_AUTO,INVRS_BEND_LINE
2023,10269999,Penetrating Item defined in unique Reference Set prevents cutout from being crea,SHIP_DESIGN,TOOLS,PENETRATION_MGT
2023,10272779,"VB.Net, Solution, Resultprobe, rename",CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,NXOPEN
2023,10272870,Classified Routing Part Library not sorted in Specifications Dialogs,ROUTING_GENERAL,REUSE_LIBRARY,SPECIFICATIONS
2023,10275264,Disappearing Nodal Force Reports,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,POST_DISPLAY
2023,10283287,NX917905 - Enhancement of Parasolid files in NX2011,DESIGN,FILE_OPS,IMPORT_PARASOLI
2023,10286406,CAE Preparation - Edge Reinforcement on Profile - Wrong Edge depending on Anchor,SHIP_DESIGN,TOOLS,CAE_PREPARATION
2023,10287489,About Import Parasolid File having multiple bodies,DESIGN,FILE_OPS,IMPORT_PARASOLI
2023,10289604,There is not warning when it is not possible to fully load an assembly,SHIP_DESIGN,BASIC_DESIGN,TRANSITION
2023,10290697,SOL401 cyclic symmetry definition error,CAE,ADV_SIMULATION,NASTRN_NX_LANG
2023,10291979,Circularity created by Along Guide Cut features,SHIP_DESIGN,STEEL_FEATURES,NAMING_RULE
2023,10296639,"Unable to load a drawing part, ""Corrupt data found when loading an OM file""",DRAFTING,DRAWING/VIEW,VW_ALIGNMENT
2023,10304434,Not able to open Part in NX2015,DRAFTING,DRAWING/VIEW,VW_ALIGNMENT
2023,10306132,An operation was attempted on an invalid or unsuitable OM object,DRAFTING,TABLES,PARTS_LIST
2023,10306824,NX2015 - can't open file from NX12,DRAFTING,DRAWING/VIEW,VW_ALIGNMENT

NX 2007 - December 2021 Release
Siemens NX Continuous Release
Siemens is the first CAD/CAM/CAE software companyto offer a continuous release model. With NX Continuous Release, upgrading is fast, automated, and seamless. Upgrades with NX Continuous Release is independent of your current version while preserving your existing data - even data back from 1984. Siemens PLM customers in the Continuous Release main channel will see functional improvements every six months with monthly updates. The software updates themselves are smaller, so you no longer need to make large jumps between significant releases.
Experience NX Continuous Release
Siemens Digital Industries Softwareis a leading global provider of product life cycle management (PLM) software and services with 7 million licensed seats and 71,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens Digital Industries Software works collaboratively with companies to deliver open solutions that help them turn more ideas into successful products.
NX version designation table after NX-12
NX-1847 Series: 1847-1851-1855-1859-1863-1867.xxxx
NX-1872 Series: 1872-1876-1880-1884-1888-1892.xxxx
NX-1899 Series: 1899-1903-1907-1911-1915-1919.xxxx
NX-1926 Series: 1926-1930-1934-1938-1942-1946.xxxx
NX-1953 Series: 1953-1957-1961-1965-1969-1973.xxxx
NX-1980 Series: 1980-1984-1988-1992-1996-2000.xxxx
NX-2007 Series: 2007-2008-2011-2015-2019-2023-...


