Solid Angle Maya to Arnold 5.1.3 | 3.5 Gb
Product:Solid Angle Maya to Arnold
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.arnoldrenderer.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows / macOs / Linux *
Size:3.5 Gb
The software developer Solid Angle is pleased to announce the availability of Arnold (or MtoA) 5.1.3 for Autodesk Maya. This update introduces Arnold and is a minor feature release bringing several USD improvements, as well as other bug fixes.
Maya Plugins Compatibility
MtoA 5.1.2 works with the following Maya plugins
- Bifrost Extension for Maya
- MayaUSD 0.18.0 (USD 21.11)
- Render Swatches are now enabled by default (MTOA-1077)
USD Enhancements
- Mesh Lights: Geometry lights are now supported in the render delegate (usd#1080)
- Color Management: When a usd file is loaded, the color manager node is set based on render settings parameters (usd#946 usd#1042)
- Motion Blur from Render Settings: A usd scene with Render Settings primitive can be rendered with motion blur (usd#1089)
- Varying topologies and motion blur: Support velocity motion blur on geometries with varying topologies (mesh, curves, points) on both the procedural and the render delegate (usd#1090)
- Support arnold primvars in instances: When an instancer has a primvar for an arnold builtin attribute (e.g. matte), we now propagate it to its instances (usd#1100)
- Support UsdPreviewSurface displacement output: scenes where UsdPreviewSurface is used as a displacement shader, through its attribute displacement are now supported. This is needed to render the Alab scenes (usd#1130)
- Support light linking on instances: We can now support setting a point instancer, or an instanceable prim, in light linking (usd#1128)
- Optimize nested instances in the render delegate: The memory consumption for nested instances (point instancer having another point instancer as a prototype) has reduced dramatically in Hydra (usd#1124)
- Render NurbsCurves as UsdGeomCurves: Usd Nurbs Curves were previously ignored by Arnold. They are now rendered as basic UsdGeomCurves (usd#1120)
- Support instanceable prims with variant overrides: It is now possible to render an instanceable prim referencing another primitive, and override its variants (usd#1127)
- Support per-instance velocity blur: The Arnold render delegate now supports point instancers with varying amount of instances, where it's the velocity blur that drives motion blur (usd#1092)
- Usd Writer reuses eventual existing material primitives: This is needed for MayaUsd exports, so that the original mayaUsd material is kept, and Arnold shaders are assigned in the "arnold" context (usd#1139)
- Support shader connections to lights in Hydra: Using an ArnoldNodeGraph primitive, the Arnold render delegate now supports connecting arbitrary shading trees to light's colors (usd#1141)
- Support lights filters in Hydra: Similarly to shader connections, arnold light filters (gobo, etc...) can now be assigned to lights, through an ArnoldNodeGraph primitive (usd#1141)
- Improve shader dependency graph in the render delegate: The tracking of shader connections (for materials, lights, light filters, etc...) is now more robust, and fixes crashes when disconnecting or reconnecting shaders (usd#1158)
Incompatible Changes
- Connection priority in MaterialX document: Setting both a value and a connection as input of a node is undefined behavior in MaterialX. Arnold will now prioritize the connection over the value when both are defined. (ARNOLD-11198).
Bug Fixes
- MTOA-617 - Tweaking "Enable Swatch Render" in the Render Settings is now refreshing all swatches automatically
- ARNOLD-12299 - Crash when writing .ass file expanding procs without a render session
- ARNOLD-12232 - Memory leak when rendering deep EXR layers
- ARNOLD-11809 - Random crash when rendering multiple scenes in parallel
- ARNOLD-12211 - [GPU] Optix denoiser memory leak when creating and destroying render sessions successively
- ARNOLD-12177 - [GPU] Crash with ramp shader after aborting due to an error
- ARNOLD-12166 - [GPU] Texture memory leak when creating and destroying render sessions successively
- ARNOLD-12165 - [GPU] Incorrect volume bounds
- ARNOLD-357 - [Licensing] Licensing error "[clm.v1] product key not found
- ARNOLD-12144 - [maketx] Unwanted log messages
- ARNOLD-12171 - [MaterialX] Crash when exporting a volume shader to MaterialX
- ARNOLD-11198 - [MaterialX] Connection is ignored when a node input also has a defined value
- usd#1073 Resolve node attributes from referenced files
- usd#1093 Fix instanceable references in the same USD file
- usd#1104 Compute visibility until the eventual root prim
- usd#1129 Support UsdUvTexture relative paths with udims
- usd#1133 Set outputs layer names only if required
- usd#1136 Fix uninitialized UV coords with leftHanded meshes
Arnoldis an advanced cross-platform rendering library, or API, used by a number of prominent organizations in film, television, and animation, including Sony Pictures Imageworks. It was developed as a photo-realistic, physically-based ray tracing alternative to traditional scanline based rendering software for CG animation.
Arnold uses cutting-edge algorithms that make the most effective use of your computer's hardware resources: memory, disk space, multiple processor cores, and SIMD/SSE units.
The Arnold architecture was designed to easily adapt to existing pipelines. It is built on top of a pluggable node system; users can extend and customize the system by writing new shaders, cameras, filters, and output driver nodes, as well as procedural geometry, custom ray types and user-defined geometric data. The primary goal of the Arnold architecture is to provide a complete solution as a primary renderer for animation and visual effects.
Arnold for Mayais an advanced Monte Carlo ray tracing renderer built for the demands of feature-length animation and visual effects. It uses the Open Shading Language to define the materials and textures. Arnold for Maya (or MtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within Maya's standard interface.
Arnold, Maya Quickstart Fundamentals
Solid Angleis leading provider of rendering software for animation and visual effects. The Arnold team believe that accurately and efficiently computing light transport in CG scenes is the best way to create stunning imagery for films and TV. Developers strive to provide clients with the best rendering tools to efficiently create realistic images.
Solid Angle is a wholly owned subsidiary of Autodesk Inc, and has its offices in Madrid and London.