ANSYS Products 2022 R2 | 15.8 Gb
Product:ANSYS Products
Version:2022 R2
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.ansys.com
Languages Supported:multilanguage
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:15.8 Gb
Languages Supported: English, Deutsch, Français, 日本語
The software developer Ansys is pleased to announce the availability of Ansys Products 2022 R2, a comprehensive software suite that spans the entire range of physics, providing access to virtually any field of engineering simulation that a design process requires.
Ansys 2022 R2 Release Highlights
What's New in Ansys Maxwell
The 2022 R2 update for Ansys Maxwell includes multiple updates such as improvements to magnetic latching analysis, Core-loss dependent Reduced Order Modeling for Induction machines, and numerous enhancements to Skew modeling.
What's New in Ansys Signal & Power Integrity
The 2022 R2 Ansys Signal and Power Integrity release introduces significant simulation improvements for electronic printed circuit boards, IC packages, and interposers. Ansys SIwave delivers new features, including a new blending algorithm for AC-DC transition, enhancements for DDR Wizard, which now supports IBIS AMI models, RLCG matrix reduction operations in CPA, and improvements to SI Xplorer and Auto HFSS Regions. HFSS 3D Layout brings support for rigid-flex cable systems and support for encrypted 3D Layout components.
What's New in Ansys HFSS
As the leader in computational electromagnetic modeling and simulation software for the last four decades, Ansys HFSS technology continues to evolve with new features, capabilities, and workflows. Accurately simulating objects from complex microelectronics to multiple city blocks, HFSS provides the gold standard in electromagnetics simulation.
- HFSS 3D Layout Flex PCB workflow helps users set up flex PCB cable designs for rigorous 3D simulations
- Encrypted HFSS 3D layout components now extend to support IC design flows using encrypted IP
- Multiple enhancements to HFSS performance further reduce design and simulation turnaround time
What's New in Ansys Icepak & Mechanical in AEDT
Thermal and Mechanical solutions in AEDT for 2022 R2 continue to evolve, enabling the Engineer to accomplish the demanding thermal and coupled electrothermal simulations needed for today and tomorrow's technological designs.
What's New in Ansys EMA3D Cable & Ansys EMA3D Charge
With unique capabilities in the EDA industry, Ansys EMA3D Cable and Ansys EMA3D Charge are highly sophisticated examples of computational electromagnetics technology. Developed to model and simulate electromagnetic coupling, ESD, charge accumulation, and catastrophic and discharge phenomena. Our partner, Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc., continues to enhance the functionality and effectiveness of these two unique EM solvers in Consumer Electronics, Aerospace & Defense, Heavy Industry, Automotive, and other applications.
Ansys EMA3D Cable
- Integration between Ansys Discovery and EMA3D Cable to support EMC design practices
- Nexxim transient circuit component model import
- Full Vehicle EMC Limit Curve Comparison
Ansys EMA3D Charge
- Integration between Ansys Discovery and EMA3D Charge
- Specific animation probes to monitor Air Conductivity and Spatial Charge
- Simulate individual charged particle interactions with ambient time-varying electromagnetic fields
New in Ansys Motor-CAD
New capabilities include a high fidelity option for calculating efficiency maps and drive cycles for synchronous wound field machines, an enhancement to the NVH module including export to Ansys Sound, and new modern RPC automation for Motor-CAD through Python.

Ansysoffers a comprehensive software suite that spans the entire range of physics, providing access to virtually any field of engineering simulation that a design process requires. Ansys simulation gives engineers the ability to explore and predict how products will work - or won't work - in the real world. It's like being able to see the future, enabling engineers to innovate as never before.
Industry leaders use Ansys to create complete virtual prototypes of complex products and systems - comprised of mechanical, electronics and embedded software components - which incorporate all the physical phenomena that exist in real-world environments.
Ansys Workbench
Ansys is the global leader in engineering simulation.By offering the best and broadest portfolio of engineering simulation software, we help solve the most complex design challenges and create products limited only by imagination. Founded in 1970, Ansys is headquartered south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.


