PTC Creo with HelpCenter | 7.0 Gb
Product:PTC Creo
Version: with Help Center
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.ptc.com
Languages Supported:multilanguage *
System Requirements:Windows **
Size:7.0 Gb
Languages Supported *: English, עברית, 日本語, Ελληνικά, Français, Türkçe, Deutsch, Čeština,
Русский, Polski, Italiano, Magyar, Español, Slovenščina, 한국어, Português,
Traditional 中文, Simplified 中文, Brazilian Português, Slovenčina
PTC has launched the next generation of its Creo 3D computer-aided design (CAD) software, Creo The software's new capabilities put the power of artificial intelligence (AI) at designers' fingertips, making simulation a seamless part of daily work.
What's new in Creo
Detailed Drawings
Configuration Option to Open Drawing Sheets by Default while Retrieving Multi-Sheet Drawings
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
The new configuration option default_open_drawing_sheet allows you to define which of the drawing sheets should be active when you retrieve a multi-sheet drawing in Creo Parametric.
- To retrieve the last saved active drawing sheet by default, set the configuration option to last_saved.
- To retrieve the first drawing sheet by default, set the configuration option to first.
The configuration option is not applicable in the following cases:
- If you retrieve a drawing with a drawing representation that specifies a sheet in the Drawing Display attributes. The sheet number is specified in the Go to sheet or Go to center of view options in the Drawing Representation Tool dialog box.
- If the drawings are still in the active memory from previous retrievals.
This enhancement saves on regeneration time when you want to work on the first drawing sheet while the drawing was last saved on another sheet.
Custom Color for ECAD Context Data
You can now add custom color to any imported context data in ECAD.
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
This enhancement is useful for color coding imported PCB layers with any custom color based on internal standards. Previously, you could add only system colors when coloring imported PCB layers. This enhancement enables consistency with the company internal color-coding practices.

Creohelps designers build better products faster by facilitating product innovation, fostering design reuse, and replacing assumptions with facts. Designers can go from the earliest phases of product design to a smart, connected product all within a single environment.
The Creo 7.0 launch follows PTC's recent acquisition of Onshape, developer of the Onshape Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product development platform, demonstrating the company's deep commitment to providing innovative technology - via multiple delivery models - to drive business value.
Creo 7.0 introduces breakthrough capabilities in generative design, real-time simulation, and additive manufacturing, in addition to numerous productivity enhancements such as multi-body design.
Creo 7.0 - Top Enhancements
This video demos the new Generative Topology Optimization extension, powered by Frustum, which combines topology optimization and simulation algorithms to generate a series of optimized results focused on manufacturing criteria, running seamlessly in Creo Parametric. This was introduced in Creo 7.0.
PTCenables global manufacturers to realize double-digit impact with software solutions that enable them to accelerate product and service innovation, improve operational efficiency, and increase workforce productivity. In combination with an extensive partner network, PTC provides customers flexibility in how its technology can be deployed to drive digital transformation - on premises, in the cloud, or via its pure SaaS platform. At PTC, we don't just imagine a better world, we enable it.
Creo applications are supported in many languages at three levels in the order shown.
- Character support
- Localized user interfaces
- Localized documentation
With character support for a language, characters appear accurately on the screen when you type and when you view items such as drawings or 3D notes. Character support for a language does not always mean that the user interface or related documentation is also available in that language.
Character support is available for the following languages, which are listed in order of implementation from English through Slovak.


