RCDC CONNECT Edition V11 Update 4 | 2.4 Gb
Product:RCDC (STAAD Advanced Concrete Design / SACD)
Version:CONNECT Edition V11 Update 4 (
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.bentley.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:2.4 Gb
Bentley Systems Incorporated is pleased to announce the availability of RCDC (STAAD Advanced Concrete Design / SACD) version is offering that will vastly improve the process and reduce the time needed to get concrete designs to site, for engineers who are using STAAD.Pro as the analysis workhorse in their design process.
Following are some of the new features implemented in RCDC CONNECT Edition V11 Update 4.
1. " Update Beam Design" functionality is now added in the beam module
This functionality would allow users to check the existing design of beams against the forces from the revised analysis. The change in the analysis file can be related to the geometry of structure or members or it can be a change in loading, material. This feature is available with all design codes available in RCDC.
2. Different Reinforcement Grade for Main and Secondary reinforcement for Column module
Different Reinforcement grades are allowed in the column module for main and shear links. If a user wants to set a lower reinforcement grade for links, it can now be done. This feature is available with all design codes available in RCDC.
3. Pile-cap design for Columns with "Tensile Axial" force
RCDC is now allowing pile caps to be designed for columns with tensile axial force. The design of top reinforcement of the pile-cap would be performed as per axial tension from the column. An additional shear check would be performed for axial tension in the piles. This is applicable to all shapes of pile caps available in RCDC. This feature is available with all design codes available in RCDC.
4. Reading and 'Design of Beams at Foundation Level' without column modeled
RCDC is now able to read the beams at the foundation level where no columns are modeled above or below. In absence of columns, RCDC will now assign 'dummy columns' as support at end of beams wherever required. The logic for detection of beams, identifying continuity of beams would work in the same manner for these beams also. This feature is available with all design codes available in RCDC.
5. Column Design as per Australian code - An option is provided to user to calculate the Moment Capacity Reduction Factor (Φ) for column design as per AS 3600:2018 - Amendment 2
RCDC will allow the user to select the option for the value of 'Moment Capacity Reduction Factor' (Φ) for column design as follows,
a. Φ = 0.65 (as constant)
b. Φ as per table 2.2.2 of AS 3600:2018 - Amendment 2
6. Providing 'Design Change' report for the 'Update Design' functionality in the column module
RCDC will now provide a 'Design Change' report after performing 'Update Design'. The Report is presented to the user immediately after completion of the operation 'Update Design'. It is also saved automatically in the folder where the RCDC file is saved.
7. Reading Tapered tank wall from STAAD physical modeler
RCDC will read the tapered type wall with thickness variation and thickness reduction side if modeled using STAAD physical modeler.
8. Providing the option for the value of 'Strength Reduction Factor' for shear design of special frames for ACI codes.
RCDC will allow the user to select the option for the strength factor (Φ) for the shear design of special frames of beams, columns, and walls.
a. Φ = 0.65
b. Φ = 0.75
This is available with all the versions of ACI design codes available in RCDC and the NSCP (Philippines) code.

RCDCis the industry leading concrete detailed engineering software. It is a powerful software that delivers a completely seamlessly integrated process linking analysis to design & detailing, drawings, estimation and reporting.
RCDC is used across a wide spectrum of industry including high rises, residential, commercial, industrial and infrastructure projects.
RCDC General Features Video
Bentley Systems, Incorporated.is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.


