Golden Software Grapher 20.1.251 | 106.6 mb
Golden Software, a developer of affordable software for visualizing and analyzing diverse data sets, is pleased to announce the availability of Grapher 20.1.251, the easy-to-use technical graphing package for scientists, engineers, business professionals, or anyone who needs to generate publication quality graphs quickly and easily.
New Features
- Axis: Inverse or Reciprocal Scale on Linked Axis from function
- Axis Break: Multiple axis breaks on a single axis
- 3D Descriptions: support transparent gradients
- Stacked/adjacent option for histograms
- Clipboard: Duplicate command (Description, graph, axis, drawn object)
- Duplicate Page and all objects within
- Custom fit curve: add Function button in PM
- Log Axes: Change Divisions of Minor Ticks
- Description Symbol: Get symbol and symbol line color from worksheet Color column
- Class Scatter Descriptions: hide/delete any class individually
- Save As dialog: remove extension from autofilled file names
- Maintain Data Limits Frequency & Wks Range when converting between Description types and adding
- new Descriptions via Create
- Save/Export: Remove 'All Files(*.*)' option when saving or exporting
- 3D Bubble Description: Support transparency
- Tick Labels: Offset in both X and Y Directions (merge into G20 and Test)
- Rename some break axis controls
- Open Excel: Remove from Grapher
- Link Axis: Link tick position
- File Open: Button text in dialog cut off, font looks bolded
- Symbol color variable: when using symbol table after color scale is created, color scale is left
- behind
- Histograms: Reset bins when data filter changes
- Data Filter: Use Header row in Data window instead of just the Column name
- Histograms: Reset bins when worksheet changes
- Class Method Name: Option to choose which names are Descriptionted
- Copy: When copying a linked object (legend, color scale, etc.), skip warning if linked graph/Description
- is already selected
- OM Description name - honor characters like : and + and spaces
- Have a uniform way to create any kind of legend for any kind of Description
- Option to NOT use Description palette for line Descriptions
- Class piper/durov/extended durov Descriptions - create legend by default
- Confidence Interval: Indicate which fit curve or equation was used to create the CI
- Class Legend: Add/Remove entries (like other Legends)
- Legend Title PM page - Remove Title Properties section
- Axis labels: remove Abreviate strings/Max characters options for minor labels
- Multi-Graph Legends Should be Listed as "Multi-Graph Legend <#>" in Object Manager
- Paste Descriptions: use same graph/axes for all when pasting multiple Descriptions
- Tick Labels: Offset in both X and Y Directions
- Automation: AddAxis: typo in error message
- Recorder: does not register correct type of paste for Paste method
- Automation: Legend: don't force users to use two commands to set the Font
- Box Description: Outliers should not be used for auto axis limits if they're not shown
- Automation: SetDataFilter is converting all text to uppercase when filtering data from Excel
- Automation: should not be possible to duplicate durov axes
- Reload dаta: if files are one OneDrive and data file is open, generate error
- Class Scatter Description: Symbol: Frequency doesn't work
- Ticks: Last tick value does not update correctly when using Probability scale
- Object Manager: undo does not restore position of multiple objects moved
- Axis Ticks: Allow minor ticks before major ticks when Start Major ticks at is Custom

Grapheris easy-to-use, powerful, dynamic program will help you create superior publication-quality professional graphs in minutes. Grapher is used extensively by scientists and engineers in oil & gas operations, environmental consulting, climate research, mineral exploration, and academic pursuits. The package offers deeper insights into diverse data sets, including chemical, physical, geologic and geospatial data, through 80 different 2D and 3D Descriptionting types.
Grapher: How to Add to Graph Enhancements Training Video
This video covers how to use the Add to Graph commands to add the following to your graph: Axes, Legends, Magnifiers, Math Descriptions
Founded in 1983,Golden Softwareis a leading developer of affordable scientific graphics software. Its customer base includes over 100,000 users involved in environmental consulting, oil and gas exploration and extraction, mining exploration and extraction, engineering, applied science, business, education, and government in nearly 190 countries and territories. Golden Software offers four products: Surfer for gridding, contouring and 3D surface mapping; Grapher for 2D and 3D graphing; Voxler for 3D data visualization; and Strater for well log, borehole and cross section Descriptionting.
Product:Golden Software Grapher
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.goldensoftware.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:106.6 mb

xGolden Software Grapher 20.1.251

Added by 3% of the overall size of the archive of information for the restoration

xGolden Software Grapher 20.1.251



