InventorCAM 2022 SP2 with Documentation & Thaining Materials | 9.9 Gb
Version:2022 SP2 with Documentation & Thaining Materials
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.solidcam.com
Languages Supported:multilanguage
System Requirements:Windows *
Software Prerequisites:Pre-installed InventorCAM 2018-2022
Size:9.9 Gb
Languages Supported: 中文, Čeština, Dansk, Nederlands, English, Français, Deutsch, עברית, Magyar,
Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Português, Русский, Español, Türkçe
SolidCAM is pleased to announce the availability of new version CAM software - InventorCAM 2022 SP2. The major base release presents new upcoming exciting functionality including Hole Wizard enhancements, Associative Coordinate Systems, CAM Part configurations, U-axis & Collinear Axis Support, iTurning, Automatic Templates and SolidCloud.
SOL-22192 Toolkit / renumbering tools / index numbers change
SOL-22351 First/last movement feed type is not rapid
SOL-22386 Use twisted zero point the positions and angles are correct but the simulation is not
SOL-22413 Sim 4x Turning / First move is not Rapid
SOL-22447 Machine Simulation / Diagonal movement in MCO
SOL-22661 QA / THSR / Arcfit / Few toolpath passes color gets changed
SOL-22687 machine simulation shows wrong tool
SOL-22703 G-code/Some @arc procedures are skipped
SOL-22722 Multiaxis / Solid Verification reports gouge for gouge free tool path
SOL-22736 G-code/Wrong lpos for wrapped drill if defined on position
SOL-22740 GUI/Reset All button doesn't reset the numbers that indicate the order of rotations
SOL-22755 G-code/hpos seems wrong
SOL-22771 G-code/Approximate arc by lines is not precise enough
SOL-22775 Turning / Second Setup / Cannot calculate due to (wrong) Fixture Protection
SOL-22776 HSR/ Rest roughing/ Stock defined by selected operations is not updated
SOL-22790 HSR / GUI is not correct
SOL-22828 G-code/opos is not correct when using indexial angle and there is some shift in the Setup
SOL-22891 GUI/Portuguese version issues
SOL-22945 Solid Verify Simulator/ All Operations/ Adapter is not visible while simulation
SOL-22989 2D Drill/We have an orange coordinate system if the drill depth is not defined
SOL-22995 Turning/Geometry on solid/ Delete chain or face from "DELETE" on keyboard (like for wireframe geometry)
SOL-22996 CAM Tree/ Split of GCODE change the order of operations in CAM Tree
SOL-23010 Machine Simulation /3D Cutter/ The tool is not send to the Machine Simulation because of the Insert joint rotation
SOL-23023 Machsim/ Spindle direction wrong
SOL-23057 MCO/ Submachine Movement/ Wrong Part Position when we add Movement action in the Submachine
SOL-23110 SV Sim / adaptor is not shown anymore
SOL-23129 SolidVerify/3D Tool/wrong simulation
SOL-23137 Contour 5x/Unknown Exception
SOL-23158 Taper cutter is displayed incorrectly in machine simulation
SOL-23213 G-code/FCS/home_user_name variable is not working correctly
SOL-23222 MT-Counter Spindle not possible to change to second angle
SOL-23223 Bore recognition geometry is not adopted
SOL-23224 Milling - Tool not correctly positioned in spindle in machine simulation
SOL-23329 Turning / grooving / no finish toolpath
SOL-23334 ToolKit/Pick point option not working correctly for non-cutting points of holders
SOL-23346 Probe comes from the wrong side in SolidCAM Simulator with NP2-1
SOL-23368 Tool Kit STL Threading Insert Angle
SOL-23380 Template group - no longer possible to click on associative areas
SOL-23395 Turning/Approach Retract point/Same than approach and Left or Righ corner doesnt works correctly together
SOL-23396 Associative CS/ Create a position 2 of MAC2 on Position 1 use Position 1 of MAC1 instead of MAC2
SOL-23400 Engraving || not able to select text while creating engraving TP
SOL-23402 Profil3D/Compensation/extra movement at arc endpoint
SOL-23446 Part Upper Level /Associated Lower Level Drifting
SOL-23449 ToolKit/Switching tool that are defined as permanent change the tool number and tool offset
SOL-23454 Setup/MachinePreview/Show part in MS or BS regarding location before opening MP
SOL-23488 ToolKit /3D STL Tool cutting length problem in Inch part Fixed
SOL-23554 VMID/ Multi-cutter tool item set to YES asks to save VMID with no changes made
- SolidCAM for Operator(Shop Floor Editor)
- New Geometry Selection style for Pocket as in iMachining 2D (Beta)

SolidCAMis recognized as the world leader in seamless integration of CAM in leading CAD products, SolidWorks andInventor, supporting the complete range of CNC manufacturing applications, including iMachining 2D/3D, 2.5D milling, high-speed surface milling, 3D high-speed machining, multi-sided indexial 4/5 axes milling, simultaneous 5 axes milling, multi-channel mill-turn, Swiss-type machining and probing. SolidCAM has been a consistent growth leader in CAM.
SolidCAM 2022 - New Functionality - Part 1
SolidCAM2022 What's New - Part 2
SolidCAM,a global leader in innovative CAM software for CNC machining and distribution of related digital manufacturing solutions, has more than 20,000 CNC manufacturing customers worldwide


