CAMWorks 2023 SP0 for Solid Edge | 1.5 Gb
Version:2023 SP0 build 2022/1209 (09-Dec-2022)
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.camworks.com
Languages Supported:multilanguage
System Requirements:Windows *
Software Prerequisites:pre-installed Solid Edge 2022 or 2023
Size:1.5 Gb
Languages Supported: 中文 Simplified, 中文 Traditional, Français, Deutsch, Italiano,
日本語, Polski, Português-Brazilian, Русский, Español, Türkçe, 한국어, Čeština
The HCLSoftware development team is pleased to announce the availability of HCL CAMWorks 2023. New release gives you the ability to program smarter and machine faster.
Automatically Reselecting the Set Post Processor from The Default Post Processor Path
Purpose:To allow relocation of the folder containing the post processors used for programming parts/assemblies such that there is no need to reconfigure the path to of the post processors used for generating NC code
Euler Angles Method for 5 Axis Rotary Milling (3 + 2 Axis Machining)
Purpose:To provide the Euler Angles Method of calculating the Rotary and Tilt angles for 5 Axis positional Milling. In such cases, the tool will position itself to be perpendicular to the Work Plane containing the features to be machined and then proceed to perform standard 2.5 Axis and 3 Axis Mill operations.
Additional Probing Cycles
Purpose:To provide probing cycle options to calibrate and measure planes and axes, from CAMWorks For Solid Edge 2023 version onwards, the following additional probing cycles will be available:
- 3 Point Plane
- Angle Measurement in X Axis
- Angle Measurement in Y Axis
- 4th Axis Measurement in X Axis
- 4th Axis Measurement in Y Axis
Support for Probing Operations to support using Heidenhain Post Processor
Purpose:To support Probing operations on machine tools using Heidenhain controllers
Support for Probing Cycles in Assembly Mode
Purpose:To allow user to assign appropriate part instance and mill part setup for each probe operation generated in assembly mode. This step will ensure that the correct Part Setup Origin is selected while posting the toolpath of the probe operation
Output Options for Probe Tool
Purpose:To provide a parameter to select the NC Program Output Reference option for Probe Tools
Tool Selection Logic Based on Flute Length and Feature Depth
Purpose:To provide improved Tool Selection logic when Tool Selection Criteria is based on an Expressionand not on any specific tool so that Flute Length of tool is considered (Irrespective of whether Tool Crib Priority checkbox is checked or not)
Exclusive 'Machine Cavities - VoluMill' Parameter for 3 Axis VoluMill Operations
Purpose:To provide a separate parameter 'Machine Cavities - VoluMill' for 3 Axis VoluMill operations
Considering Correct Feed/Speed Data Based on Stock Materials of Different Parts in Assembly Mode
Purpose:To ensure that appropriate Feed/Speed data is considered for different stock materials associated with different parts or parts instances comprising an assembly
Resizing Tool Select Filter Dialog Box
Purpose:To allow resizing of the Tool Select Filter dialog box so that users can view additional columns of the table within the dialog box
Option to edit 'Min. Hole Diameter' for Thread Mill Operations in CAMWorks For Solid Edge UI
Purpose:To provide users the option to edit the Min Hole Diameter parameter of Thread Milling Operations within the CAMWorks For Solid Edge user interface
Linking of Leadin and Leadout Parameters for Linked Contour Mill Operations
Purpose:To ensure Leadin and Leadout parameters too are copied in the linked Contour Mill operations
Optimize Tool Selection Logic When Tool Crib Priority is Set to On
Purpose:To ensure better results for tool selection when Tool Crib Priority is set to 'On'
Support for 'Tapered' and 'Neck' Shank Type All Mill Tools
Purpose:To support the shank type of Tapered and Neck for all Mill Tools that support this functionality
Option to define End Direction 2 of Islands in the 2.5 Axis Mill Features Wizard
Purpose:To provide an option to define the height of the islands of a 2.5 axis feature in two directions
Support for Canned Cycle Threading Operations when Cut Type is Reversed
Purpose:To enable generation of Canned Cycle Threading operations when the Cut Type is reversed
Tap Cutting and Tap Rolling Tools with Sub Spindle Attribute in the Default TechDB
Purpose:To provide Tap cutting and Tap rolling tools with Sub Spindle attribute in the default TechDB.
Reduced Installer Size of CAMWorks For Solid Edge after removal of legacy nonEnglish TechDB files
- To ensure a leaner CAMWorks For Solid Edge installer by removal of redundant legacy TechDB files in non-English language
- To ensure a more robust functioning of TechDB by eliminating the presence of multiple separate language based TechDB data files in MS Access and SQL Server formats

CAMWorks for Solid Edgebrings proven, state-of-the-art machining capabilities to Solid Edge users. Since it is accessible directly in the Solid Edge window, CAMWorks for Solid Edge provides a consistent user interface and eliminates time-consuming file transfers. With Geometric's patented Feature Recognition technology running in real-time to capture machined features and automatically generate or update the toolpath, manufacturing-driven design changes can be made to any CAD model using synchronous technology, a unique capability which combines the speed and flexibility of direct modeling with the precise control of dimension driven design. This dramatically streamlines what has traditionally been a time-consuming process. The solution also captures the machining strategy in a customizable database, TechDB, thus allowing efficient machining solutions to be reapplied to future designs with similar features, further enhancing productivity.CAMWorks 2023combines the benefits of a fully integrated CAD/CAM system with advanced programming technologies such as feature-based programming, automatic feature recognition, knowledge-based machining and TechDB for storing and reusing best practices.
What's new in CAMWorks 2023 - An overview
HCLSoftwareis a division of HCL Technologies (HCL) that operates its primary software business. We develop, market, sell, and support over 30 product families in the areas of Customer Experience, Digital Solutions, Secure DevOps, Security & Automation.