ANSYS GRANTA EduPack 2023 R1 | 2.4 Gb
Product:ANSYS GRANTA EduPack
Version:2023 R1 (23.1.1)
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.ansys.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:2.4 Gb
The software developer Ansys announced the launch of GRANTA EduPack 2023 R1 (23.1.1) is provides a comprehensive database of materials and process information, powerful tools and teaching resources to support a wide variety of approaches to materials education.
ANSYS GRANTA Selector 2023 R1 Release Notes
The core of all databases in EduPack
Updates this release focus on improved coverage of metals and coating processes.
10 new recordsadded, including:
- Low alloy steel, 24CrMo13-6, quenched & tempered
- Low alloy steel, 40CrMoV13-9, quenched & tempered
- Low alloy steel, 16Mo3, normalized
- Low alloy steel, 10CrMo9-10, normalized & tempered
- Low alloy steel, 13CrMo4-5, normalized & tempered
- Low alloy steel, AISI 41L40, annealed
- Low alloy steel, AISI 5115, annealed
- Low alloy steel, AISI 5120, annealed
- Low alloy steel, AISI 52100, annealed
- Low alloy steel, AISI 8620H, hardened and tempered
3 new process recordson thermal spraying surface treatments have been added to ProcessUniverse.
New pricesare available for all 4,000+ materials in MaterialUniverse, generated using Ansys's price model, based on data from the world commodity markets.
Risk indicesfor critical materials have been updated to reflect the latest changes to the EU and US Critical Materials lists.
Export capabilityhas been removed from all MaterialUniverse Level 1 and Level 2 databases. This reflects the growing requirements of the software we export to - e.g. Level 1 databases do not contain all of the attributes required to run a structural simulation. Export is now only available from Level 3 databases, which contain a full range of mechanical, thermal and electrical properties, plus curve data in many records, to support simulation.
Bioengineering Databases now include Medical Devices
Level 2 and Level 3 Bioengineering databases
At this release, the Medical Devices (and FDA Approved Devices) tables which were previously in their own 'Medical Devices' database, have been merged into the Bioengineering Level 2 and Bioengineering Level 3 databases. The Medical Devices standalone database no longer exists. The General Surgery subset of the Medical Devices tables has been augmented with 10 new generic device records, whilst 20 new FDA approved records have also been added meaning these tables now include:
- 62 generic Medical Device records
. 10 new records covering breast implants, nose implants, surgical mesh, forceps, scalpel blade, surgical tray, and endotracheal tube.
- 117 FDA Approved Example records
. 20 new records covering approved examples of the same
- Links to Level 3 materials where specific material grades are known.
Sustainability databases
Nations of the World
Level 2 and Level 3 Sustainability databases
A significant update has been made focusing on attributes which are most subject to change, as well as a smaller update to the countries included.
- 34 attributes updated across all nations with the latest available data, including:
. Social attributes such as corruption index and literacy rate
. Economic attributes such as GDP, unemployment rate and health expenditure
- 2 new nation records added:
. South Sudan
. Cook Islands
- Recent changes to internationally recognised country names reflected:
. North Macedonia
. Eswatini
. Czechia
. Cabo Verde
Power Systems
Level 3 Sustainability database only
- Table restructure: 'Power System - Carbon' and 'Power System - Nuclear' have been merged into a single table; 'Power Systems - Generation'.
- 6 new attributes added.
- 14 new references added and linked from relevant records.
- New links added to the Elements and Battery Cells tables.
- Records merged where redundancy was identified:
. Hydropower dam records combined
. Geothermal power records combined
Introduction of Portuguese as a supported language
Nível 1 and Nível 2 databases, user interface and Science Notes
EduPack now supports teaching in Portuguese:
- Standard Level 1 and 2 databases, plus Science Notes, have been translated into Portuguese.
- A Portuguese user interface is now available.
This translation has been carried out in collaboration with Júlio César Dutra and Jacqueline Matsuda Augustini, at Centro Universitário da FEI, in Brazil
Global Polymers
Included in the Level 3 Polymer database
Global Polymers Plastics
- The Plastics data table has been updated with the latest records and data from UL Prospector. This includes several new polymer datasheets and updates to existing datasheets, bringing the total number of grades to over 105,800.
- New data has been included from Producers including:
- Updated data in HU1000, PW1000, 1000F, 1000R, 1000P, 1000P100, 1000P200, HU1010, 1010F, 1010R, 1010M, 1010TC, AUT200M, AUT200AR, 1010P, 1010P200, HU2300, PW2300, 2300F and 2300R.
- Genestar G1300A-M41 | PA9T has been renamed to Genestar G1300A | PA9T.
- New non-linear data has been included for certain datasheets for the following attributes:
. Specific Volume vs. Temperature
. Viscosity vs. Shear Rate
. Tensile Modulus vs. Temperature
. Tensile Stress vs. Strain
. True Stress vs. Strain
. Secant Modulus vs. Strain
. Shear Modulus vs. Temperature, Dynamic
. Shear Stress vs. Shear Rate
. Creep Modulus vs. Time
. Tensile Fatigue
Included in the Level 3 Aerospace database
The latest version of the Metallic Materials Properties Development & Standardization (MMPDS)Handbook. MMPDS-17 includes:
- New data for 2196, 7050, 7055 and 7160 aluminum alloys.
- Changes and clarifications of Ramberg-Osgood data for many stress-strain figures.
- All the latest changes and updates to the MMPDS dataset, including new/updated thermal data, strength and moduli.
Add custom Joining and Finishing processes to Eco Audit projects
Available in the Enhanced Eco Audit in Advanced Level 3 databases
You can now add custom joining and finishing processes to Eco Audit - for example, in-house processes - for more accurate estimates of energy usage and CO2 footprint. Custom processes are added to the Eco Audit product itself and are applied to the entire product, independent of the materials present

Transport methods
Available in Eco Audit in all databases
The number of available transport methods in the Transport section of Eco Audit has been significantly expanded. Over 50 options are now available, with energy consumption and CO2footprint data available for each. Transport methods include road, rail, sea and air and cover all standard classes of vehicles, including options for both refrigerated and non-refrigerated vehicles.

Country of Use
Available in Eco Audit in all databases
The list of countries in the Country of use section has been expanded. The environmental impact values for product use associated with each country have been assessed and updated where appropriate, based on current environmental data.
Improved custom material family envelopes in Chart Stages
The user experience for managing material family envelopes has been enhanced, permitting the user to hide or show all envelopes, as well as improving the interface for creating and deleting envelopes.

The market-leadingAnsys Grantaproducts have been developed over 25 years to enable you to capture, safeguard and capitalize on your organization's Material Intelligence. Ansys helps businesses digitalize their company's materials knowledge, choose the right materials for their products, and provide resources for materials education.
Granta EduPack, formerly CES EduPack, is a unique set of teaching resources to support materials education. Granta EduPack provides support to enhance undergraduate materials education. EduPack includes a database of materials and process information, materials selection tools and a range of supporting resources. EduPack is divided into three levels so that students can access a suitable level of information as they progress through their studies. Granta EduPack has also been designed to support a wide variety of teaching styles, from the design- and science-led approaches to problem-based teaching.
Ansys Granta EduPack
Ansys Granta EduPack is the new name for the world-leading teaching resource for materials in engineering, science, processing, and design. Previously called CES EduPack, it was rebranded Granta EduPack in 2020.
ANSYSis the global leader in engineering simulation. We help the world's most innovative companies deliver radically better products to their customers. By offering the best and broadest portfolio of engineering simulation software, we help them solve the most complex design challenges and engineer products limited only by imagination.
