Free Download Autodesk Maya 2024.1 with Updated Content | 6.2 Gb
Languages Supported: English, 日本語, 简体中文
Product:Autodesk Maya
Version:2024.1 with Updated Content *
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.autodesk.com
Languages Supported:multilanguage
System Requirements:Windows **
Size:6.2 Gb
Autodesk has updated Maya to version 2024.1, adding a few new improvements and enhancements, also this release includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.
Maya 2024.1 Update Release Notes
Time Slider Enhancements
Two new improvements continue the redesign of the Time Slider in Maya 2024.
Skin Cluster Improvements
Several enhancements build on the multiple Skin Cluster support in Maya 2024.
Delete Multiple Display Layers
A useful new behaviour for working in the Display Layer Editor.
LookdevX Enhancements
In this release, LookdevX has received some notable updates to organize complex node graphs and improve workflows.
This release of Maya also includes the following changes and improvements.
-New Proximity Wrap deformer attribute- A new Proximity Wrap deformer attribute, Scale Compensation, has been added to the Proximity Wrap Attribute Editor settings to be a simple float value that contains the scale compensation, instead of using a matrix to specify the scale. You can use this in combination with or as a replacement for hooking up a matrix to driverClusterMatrix.
-New Lattice deformer option- A new Minimum Size option has been added to the Lattice options to address problems that occur when Lattice deformer Y-scale values were set to 0.0. The Minimum Size option is only on when the Centre Around Selection attribute is active, letting you specify a minimum size for the lattice to avoid the creation of lattices where one or more sides length is 0.0.
An additional option has also been added to the lattice command -mns -minimumSize Float, which can only be used in conjunction with the objectCentered flag
-Bifrost Maya includes Bifrost for Maya See the Bifrost release notes for more details.
-Hydra for Maya (Technology Preview)- Hydra for Maya is available since the release of USD for Maya v0.23 and is intended for use as a render delegate in the Viewport. See load and manage plug-ins for more information and visit the official Autodesk MayaUSD GitHub repository to learn more about Hydra. Note: Hydra for Maya is not supported on MacOS.
- Loading Atom file causes crash MAYA-127387
- "Sync Selection in Graph Editor" option does not work by default MAYA-127777
- Evaluation Manager dependencies incorrect downstream of parentInverseMatrix attribute MAYA-127830
- Graph Editor : Focus is not correctly set for keyframe value fields when clicking from another pane MAYA-127881
- Camera Tumble tool does not work with animation layers MAYA-128050
- Custom DX11 shader causes the mesh to be removed from GPU evaluation MAYA-127649
- Interactive Tutorials: Animation tutorial broken by timeline UI changes MAYA-128205
- Name does not match in compound attributes MAYA-127534
- Multi attribute setAttr runs slower than previous releases MAYA-127798
- Window sizes not being saved on second monitor MAYA-128722
- Crash with Average Vertices command when in the Move Tool in Normal Mode MAYA-127509
- Cannot connect vertices on a new polySurface object after executing certain bool operations MAYA-127540
- Enable Add Selection as Target for other geometry types MAYA-127605
- Bridging causes material loss MAYA-128143
- Wrap Deformer: Add/remove geometry options should be disabled in Attribute Editor MAYA-127619
- Paint Skin Weights: Joints are not highlighted as selected influences when Show Wireframe is off MAYA-127753
- cMuscle: Mesh stops updating when changing timeline after painting muscle weights MAYA-128015
- cMuscle: Painting muscle weights with 'Relative Sticky' option enabled does not work MAYA-128035
- BlendWeight NAN errors after bakePartialHistory MAYA-128437
- Reference Edits dialog closes when tick/untick 'Show Namespaces' once or twice MAYA-127586
- Add New Item button in Attribute Editor for wtAddMatrix.wtMatrix MAYA-124140
- USD (Universal Scene Description) plug-in for Autodesk Maya security enhancements. MAYA-127417
- Routing visibility edits only works with certain commands and not all commands that edit visibility MAYA-127758
- Saving Maya scene that includes USD cache does not trigger serialization MAYA-127817
- Maya slowdown when loading plugin with textures on MAYA-127713
Autodesk Mayais the creative 3D softwares used by animators across the world. It is animators favorite software as a 3D software can do multiple activities. Maya can be used to for realistic 3D animation , 3D modelling, realistic 3D environment , character formation and animation, visual effects and many other effects. Such effects and animation is used not only for animated movies but for news channels, television commercials, advertisements, manufacturing etc. Along with these industries video gaming industry is also leveraged by Autodesk Maya. Various modelling tools and its assembly helps to create realistic environment for games or even to create 3D models. Hence Autodesk Maya is the most important 3D software where breathtaking 3D models, scenes, 3D environment, visual effects(VFX), animation etc. can be created. Tools and various features in Maya helps to work on complex projects easily by enhancing production quality and creativity.
Autodesk has releasedMaya 2024, a massive update to their flagship 3D animation, modeling, and rendering software. Introducing a slew of new features and updated workflows, the release comes with enhanced modeling workflows, new Graph Editor tools, a brand-new LookDev tool, animation performance upgrades, a redesigned Time Slider, and tons of other improvements and bug fixes.
What's new in Maya 2024
In this video we will be taking a look at what Autodesk Maya 2024 has to offer.
Autodeskhelps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.
Bifrost for Maya 2024
Mootools PolygonCruncher v13.75
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