Free Download Hexagon MSC Digimat-CAE / Moldex3D 2023.1 | 7.2 Gb
MSC Software, part of Hexagon's Manufacturing Intelligence division has releasedDigimat-CAE / Moldex3D 2023.1is the state-of-the-art multiscale material modelling platform focusing on the micromechanical modelling of complex multiphase materials such as plastics, composites, metals, and elastomers, revealing how they perform at part and system levels.
Owner:MSC Software
Product Name:Digimat-CAE / Moldex3D *
Supported Architectures:x64
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Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows **
Size:7.2 Gb
Digimat 2023.1 Release Highlights
Some main highlights of this release include the following:
-Legacy tools and workflows in Digimat-RP:With Digimat 2023.1, Digimat-MAP and Digimat-CAE can be launched directly from Digimat-RP. Additionally, Digimat-RP offers a new workflow that is dedicated to the generation of interface files without structural model. By integrating these new capabilities, Digimat-RP provides an integrated multiscale simulation environment that simplifies the user experience by reducing the number of required tools.
-Curing and crystallinity analyses for SMC in Digimat-RP:Thermomechanical and coupled thermal mechanical analyses with curing and crystallinity can be conducted in Digimat-RP for sheet moulding compounds.
-Tension after impact tests in Digimat-VA:The tests database has been extended with tension after impact tests, that consist of an initial impact test according to the ASTM D7136 standard, followed by a tension test according to the ASTM D3039 standard.
Digimat 2023.1 release notes
New capabilities
- Curing and crystallinity in SMC materials
. The latest version of Digimat now incorporates simulation of curing and crystallinity effects in sheet molding compound (SMC) materials, thanks to its ability to account for the thermo-viscoelastic and thermo-elastic behavior of the matrix. Moreover, Digimat-CAE and Digimat-RP also support this feature. This functionality is supported for both thermomechanical analysis and coupled thermal mechanical analysis.
- Addition of the Di Benedetto model for glass transition
. In addition to the already available quadratic evolution law, Digimat now includes the Di Benedetto model, which enables users to model the glass transition temperature law and determine the value of the glass transition temperature. This new law is also available in Digimat-CAE and Digimat-RP.
- Correction to material model name
. The chemical shrinkage model has been renamed in Johnston from Bogetti Gillespire to be consistent with the Digimat implementation.
- Curing reference temperature in TE materials
. The input field for curing reference temperature has been eliminated for TE materials, as it has no impact on the material's response.
Known issues
- When using a multilayer microstructure containing a layer modelled as a homogeneous material, the results in the results file associated with the matrix of the corresponding layer are not correct. A possible workaround is to define a fake reinforcing inclusion with a negligible volume fraction.
- Addition of the Di Benedetto model for glass transition
. In addition to the already available quadratic evolution law, Digimat now includes the Di Benedetto model, which enables users to model the glass transition temperature law and determine the value of the glass transition temperature.
- Specimen geometry in FEA validation
. In the reverse engineering process, users now have the option to assign an existing geometry to the specimen directly from the FEA Validation tab, even if it was not provided during import. When assigned, the specimen geometry is saved in the database for future use, streamlining the reverse engineering process and improving the accuracy of data collection.
- Increased robustness of the FEA validation
. The FEA validation is now working for any configuration of multi-layer.
. The FEA validation is now working when there is a '%' in the trade name.
New capabilities
- New and updated models for the public database
. Asahi KASEI: Remove 2 models for Leona 14G50
Remove 3 materials:
- OnForce LGF40-PP 2001 BLK
- OnForce LGF50-PP 2001 BLK
- Complet LGF50-PA66 2004 BLK
Add new materials:
- Complet LCF40-PA661014_6mm
- Complet LCF40-PA66 1065
- Complet LGF40-PP 2001
- Complet LGF40-PPA 2061BLK
- Complet LGF45-PA6 2052
- Complet LGF50-PA66 2004
- Complet LGF50-PA66 2052
- Complet LGF50-PP 2001
- Complet LGF50-PPA 2061 BLK
- Complet LGF50-TPU 1001
- Complet LGF60-PA66 2052
- Complet LGF60-PPA 2062
- Complet LGF50-PA66 2026-MT
- LFT NN-40 LGF_000 HS UV Black NA
* Celanese: Add all DuPont materials
* DuPont: Move all materials to Celanese
* MarkForged: Models updated for
- Onyx
- Onyx FR
* RadiciGroup:
Update materials for
- Radiflam A RV250HF 333 BK
- Radiflam S RV300 HF 333 BK
- Radilon A RV350W 333 BK
- Radilon A RV500RW 339 BK
- Radilon Aestus T2 RV350W 333 BK
- Radilon DT RV300RKC2 306 BK
- Radilon S ERV400K 3933 BK
- Radilon S RV300W 333 BK
- Radilon S RV500W 333 BK
- Radistrong A RV500W 333 BK
- Renycle S GF3004K 3030 BK
Add 1 material:
- Radiflam Aestus T2 RV300HF 100 NT
* SABIC Specialties: Add 5 new materials
- Noryl GTX APS130
- Noryl NH8006
- Noryl NHP5054
- ULTEM 2310
- ULTEM 3452
Remove 2 materials:
- Torayca TLP8148
- Torayca TLP8149
Add a new material:
- Torelina A676ES1B
* UBE: Remove 1 material
* VICTREX: Add a material for AM
- Victrex AM200 PAEK Filament
Known issues
- When loading .dsg files, the geometry name is not properly imported and need to be re-defined by the user.
- Supported export of Markforged toolpath from Offline Eiger
. Previously, only users of the online Eiger solutions (Eiger Core and Eiger Fleet) were able to export Markforged toolpath patterns to Digimat. This option is now also available for users of the Offline Eiger solution.
Known issues
- Digimat-MAP doesn't support weld line files that are exported from Moldflow software using other language than English (file must contain the keyword 'Time').
New capabilities
◾ Curing and crystallinity in SMC materials
* The latest version of Digimat now incorporates simulation of curing and crystallinity effects in sheet molding compound (SMC) materials, thanks to its ability to account for the thermo-viscoelastic and thermo-elastic behavior of the matrix. This functionality is supported for both thermomechanical analysis and coupled thermal mechanical analysis. The functionality is available for Abaqus and Marc solver.
◾ Uniform State Dependent Variable (SDV) output numbering
* For the Hybrid solution, a new output option for SDVs is available: uniform output. When selected, the state variables are numbered and selected identically across all materials, if possible. This is available for all FEA code besides Marc and PAM-CRASH.
Remark: when using Digimat-CAE, since the SDV order of the interface file has been altered, it is necessary to generate a new interface file to replace the old one. Not updating the input deck with the new interface file could result in a discrepancy between the SDV name seen and the one that was initially used.
◾ Updated support of the existing interfaces with CAE software
* Addition of CAE
- Abaqus 2023
- ANSYS 2023R1
- LS-DYNA R13.1.1
- Marc 2022.2 & Marc 2022.4
- PAM-CRASH 2022.01
* Removal of CAE software
- Abaqus 2020
- Marc 2021.2 & Marc 2022.3
- ANSYS 2022 R1
- LS-DYNA 10.2
- PAM-CRASH 2019.0
Known issues
- Digimat-CAE/SAMCEF interface is not supported in this version.
New Capabilities
- Access Digimat-CAE and Digimat-MAP from Digimat-RP
. Digimat's latest release offers an improved user experience by allowing users to access Digimat-MAP and Digimat-CAE's advanced capabilities directly within Digimat-RP.
. The update also introduces a dedicated workflow to generate an interface file.
. By integrating these features, Digimat provides an integrated multiscale simulation environment that simplifies the user experience by reducing the number of tools required.
- Improved solution for output with multi-material
. When multi-material is used, all Hybrid material models will now use the same output and the same numbering to improve the post-processing. This is done for all FEA interfaces except PAM-CRASH and Marc that have their own specific specificities for the post-processing of output.
- Enable to define the critical failure value to stop the analysis for implicit solver
. Digimat now allows the user to define the critical value used to stop an implicit finite element analysis. This feature is only available for the hybrid solution method.
- Injection gate location by coordinates
. In addition to assign the injection gate location by mouse clicking, the user can now provide this information by specifying the location coordinates and the closet mesh node will be used as injection node. This new functionality is particularly valuable when the gate coordinates are known or in complex meshes and models where clicking is difficult.
- Supported export of Markforged toolpath from Offline Eiger
. Previously, only users of the online Eiger solutions (Eiger Core and Eiger Fleet) were able to export Markforged toolpath patterns to Digimat. This option is now also available for users of the Offline Eiger solution.
Known issues
- When exporting an animation or screenshot one may experience issue when using a transparent background, it is recommended in this case to use an opaque background.
- Digimat-RP doesn't support weld line data that are exported from Moldflow software using other language than English (file must contain the keyword 'Time').
- When using 3D TIMON injection files with shell elements, there is a discrepancy between strong coupling and macro solution:
. When using strong coupling solution, thicknesses of shell elements will be the one of structural mesh.
. When using macro solution, thicknesses of shell elements will be the one of injection mesh.
This can lead to differences in results in case of important differences between thicknesses defined for injection mesh and thicknesses defined for structural mesh.
New Capabilities
- Tension after impact test
. Digimat-VA has expanded its capabilities to now include support for the tension after impact test. This two-step test involves an initial impact test, as defined by ASTM D7136, followed by a tension test based on ASTM D3039. This test is analogous to the compression after impact test that Digimat-VA already supports.
- Live monitoring
. Digimat-VA's latest update includes live monitoring (e.g., stress-vs-strain curves, force-vs-displacement curves) of results for all tests while the analysis is in progress.
- Effect of defects report readability
. Previously, the results reported from effect of defect studies had a very large number of decimals. However, the precision of the results has now been limited to 5 decimals, improving the readability and clarity of the report.
- Remote job submission
. Digimat-VA now ensures that a script is assigned for remote job submission. If a script has not been assigned, the software will display an error message to the user.
- Defect study option automatically disabled
. If the user selects only in-plane shear V-notched tests, the defect study option now disabled since not supported. However, if the user selects any other test that supports defect study along with in-plane shear V-notched tests, then the defect study option will be available.
Known issues
- In case of errors during the porous material properties calibration process (using Digimat-FE from Digimat-VA, when performing defect study with intra-ply or inter-ply porosities), all errors are not correctly reported in the Digimat-VA log file.
- Supported export of Markforged toolpath from Offline Eiger
. Previously, only users of the online Eiger solutions (Eiger Core and Eiger Fleet) were able to export Markforged toolpath patterns to Digimat. This option is now also available for users of the Offline Eiger solution.
- Parallelized temperature mapping
. When combining thermal and thermomechanical SLS simulations, the temperature mapping has been parallelized, resulting in a significant reduction in computation time.
- Improved accuracy for Fortus 450mc printer
. The chamber temperature field of the Fortus 450mc printer has been updated, resulting in more accurate FDM process simulations for that printer.
- Remote job submission
. Digimat-AM now ensures that a script is assigned for remote job submission. If a script has not been assigned, the software will display an error message to the user.
Hexagon's MSC SoftwareCAE simulation solutions enable engineers to validate and optimise product designs using virtual prototypes. Customers in almost every part of manufacturing use our software to complement, and in some cases even replace, the physical prototype "build and test" process that has traditionally been used in product design.
Digimattechnology provides design tools that give you 100% confidence in your composites products thanks to an accurate description of the local composite behavior. Accurate material modeling allows you to reduce the factor of safety allowing composite materials to used to 100% of their potential, maximizing their competitiveness against metal and leading to substantial weight reduction. Digimat tools integrate smoothly within the current FEA process, bridging the gap between manufacturing process and structural analysis.
Moldex3Dis a CAE product dedicated to the prediction by simulation of plastic injection molding for the plastic manufacturing industry (http://www.moldex3d.com). The link between Digimat and Moldex3D interface enables taking into account the results of the injection molding, the orientation of fibers, in your structural FE analysis. This section introduces the use of Moldex3D fiber orientation in Digimat-CAE/Moldex3D computation.
Digimat Additive Manufacturing
Hexagonis a global leader in sensor, software and autonomous solutions. We are putting data to work to boost efficiency, productivity, and quality across industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, safety, and mobility applications.
Our technologies are shaping urban and production ecosystems to become increasingly connected and autonomous - ensuring a scalable, sustainable future.MSC Software, part of Hexagon's Manufacturing Intelligence division, is one of the ten original software companies and a global leader in helping product manufacturers to advance their engineering methods with simulation software and services.
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