BBEdit 14.5.1 macOS | 31.7 MB
BBEdit is the leading professional HTML and text editor for macOS. This award-winning product has been crafted to serve the needs of writers, Web authors and software developers, and provides an abundance of features for editing, searching, and manipulation of prose, source code, and textual data.
With BBEdit, you can...
Exercise Total Control Over TextWork YOUR WayCommand Files, Folders, Disks, and ServersEnjoy Textual OmnipotenceLive Up To StandardsIntegrate Smoothly Into Existing Workflows
An intelligent interface provides easy access to BBEdit's best-of-class features. These features include (but aren't limited to): grep pattern matching; search and replace across multiple files; project definition tools; function navigation and syntax coloring for numerous source code languages; code folding; FTP and SFTP open and save; Git and Subversion integration; AppleScript and Automator support; macOS Unix scripting support; text and code completion; and of course a complete set of robust HTML markup tools.
What's new in BBEdit v14.5.1
Added a -tail option to the bbedit command-line tool. When opening a file, -tail instructs BBEdit to place the insertion point at the end of the file, and turn on Tail Mode. In this fashion, you can use bbedit -tail /path/to/some/file as an alternative to tail -f /path/to/some/file.-tail only makes sense when used for files, and cannot be used for pipes or standard input.
If an .editorconfig file has a tab_width value specified, BBEdit will use that in preference to indent_size (since BBEdit does not have a notion of separate widths for tabs vs. indentation). In the absence of tab_width, BBEdit will use indent_size as before.
Projects (once again) allow expansion of symlinked folders, with appropriate safeguards against circular link chains.Fixed regression in which empty ("self-closing") XML tags would cause incorrect fold generation in HTML documents.Added the tail mode property to the scripting dictionary.Fixed bug which would cause pathological performance problems when editing files managed by a codeless language module which used literals (rather than patterns) for strings, blocks, and comments.Fixed crash which would occur when quitting, if "Restore unsaved changes" was turned off, and the Multi-File Search window was open, and one or more of the documents being closed had unsaved changes.Fixed regression in which pcre2 would complain about patterns that were too large.Fixed crash which would occur when closing a document's only window while a long-running live match was in progress on that document from the Find window.Made a change so that the extract scripting verb is handled correctly when passed a single item (such as text 1 of text
document 1).When figuring out the common ancestor of all open documents, "Open File by Name" will no longer include notes in that computation (which can throw things off).Made a change to (maybe) work around a macOS bug (FB10429697) in which the font server would cause a stall when activating the application.Worked around a bug in Apple Mail (FB9978404) in which it would fail to accept text dragged from within an editing window.
