Free Download Wolfram Mathematica 14.0.0 Linux & macOS | 4.6 Gb
Languages Supported: English, Español, Français, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어
Wolfram Research, one of the world's most respected computer, web, and cloud software companies-as well as a powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation, has released Mathematica 14.0.0. Latest release continues to expand the scope and breadth of our computational coverage while streamlining and polishing existing areas.
Owner:Wolfram Research
Product Name:Mathematica
Supported Architectures:x86_x64
Website Home Page :www.wolfram.com
Languages Supported:multilanguage
System Requirements:Linux & macOs *
Size:4.6 Gb
Wolfram Mathematica 14.0 | January 2024
- Apply a list of functions to an expression with Comap and ComapApply
- DigitSum computes the sum of the individual digits in an integer
- UnitConvert is now faster
- Create intermediate tests inside TestCreate using IntermediateTest
- Compute numerical vector line integrals, vector surface integrals or complex contour integrals using NLineIntegrate, NSurfaceIntegrate and NContourIntegrate, respectively
- UnilateralConvolve performs unilateral (AKA causal, one-sided) convolutions
- TruncateSum makes it easy to work with infinite sum representations produced by DSolve and other functions
- Convert expressions to and from finite field versions with ToFiniteField and FromFiniteField
- Convert to and from finite field index representation with FiniteFieldIndex and FromFiniteFieldIndex
- Several new structured matrix types added: SymmetricMatrix, HermitianMatrix, OrthogonalMatrix and UnitaryMatrix
- TextSummarize automatically produces different types of summarization of text data
- Multiple new visualization functions added for Descriptionting all pairwise 2D projections of dаta: PairwiseListDescription, PairwiseDensityHistogram, PairwiseSmoothDensityHistogram, PairwiseQuantileDescription and PairwiseProbabilityDescription
- SolarEclipse has been overhauled; support was added for more than seventy thousand eclipses and 50 new properties
- Functions for computing the date of a new moon, a full moon or any moon phase added: NewMoon, FullMoon and MoonPhaseDate
- Create a graph represented as a layered Description with LayeredGraph and LayeredGraph3D
- Specify named texture mappings for graphics with TextureMapping
- ImageSegmentationComponents segments an image into components
- ImageSegmentationFilter filters an image for the foreground components
- Create a tour around 3D graphics with Tour3DVideo
- Several new PDE modeling functions added: SchrodingerPDEComponent, FluidFlowPDEComponent, ElectrostaticPDEComponent and more
- Create detailed simulation results for discrete, continuous or mixed control systems with InputOutputResponse
- Description outcome uncertainties from uncertain parameters, initial values and inputs in a control system model with SystemModelUncertaintyDescription
- Support added for importing DOCX, MOBI, RData and RDS formats
- Support for subtitle import and export added to the MP4, QuickTime and Matroska formats
- New data structures added: RedBlackTree and StringVector
- Spline-related graphics primitives BezierCurve, BSplineCurve and BSplineSurface are now also valid geometric regions for computational geometric operations, such as ArcLength and RegionMeasure
Mathematicais a Wolfram's original flagship technical computation product, continuously expanded for three decades, and now available both on desktop and in the cloud. Wolfram Mathematica allows businesses to visualize statistical, financial or geographic information in chart formats such as bar, pie, bubble, sector, histogram and more. It lets users conduct statistical analysis through data smoothing, hypothesis tests, cluster analysis, random sampling and other methodologies. Additionally, the image processing module enables users to create, import and manipulate image properties including brightness, color, alignment and segmentation.
Live CEOing Ep 740: Language Design Review of Numerics Features for 14.0
In this episode of Live CEOing, Stephen Wolfram discusses upcoming improvements and functionality to the Wolfram Language.
Founded by Stephen Wolfram in 1987,Wolfram Researchis one of the world's most respected computer, web and cloud software companies-as well as a powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation. As a pioneer in computation and computational knowledge, we have pursued a long-term vision to develop the science, technology and tools to make computation an ever-more-potent force in today's and tomorrow's world.
