Free Download Maxon Cinema 4D 2024.2.0 macOs | 2.4 Gb
Languages Supported: English, العربية, 中文, Čeština, Deutsch, Español,
Français, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Русский
Owner:Maxon Computer
Product Name:CINEMA 4D Studio
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.maxon.net
Languages Supported:multilanguage
System Requirements:macOs *
Size:2.4 Gb
Maxon has released Cinema 4D 2024.2.0, the latest version of its 3D design and animation software. This update is highly recommended for all 2024 users.
Maxon releases Cinema 4D 2024.2.0 - Date: December 11, 2023
- Set Deactivation parameters for Rigid Body objects in idle
- Damping override for Rigid Body, Soft Body, Cloth, Rope and Balloon tag
- Scaling Rigid Body objects
- Forces can be guided by a cloner
- New emission type - Dynamic Surface
- Set Time Scale for Density, Color, Rest Grid, Temperature, and Fuel
- Fuel Contingent to support UpRes pyro simulation
- Dual Rest Grid adds ability to post process the volume with noise patterns
- Key Reducer to reduce the number of keyframes in the timeline
- Preserved locked keys won't be affect by the Key Reducer
- Adobe Substance 3D Nodes for Redshift Materials
- Color Mangement dropdown selection when importing
- Automatically adjust color space based on ✅File Name suffix
- glTF Animations support TRS (PRS)
- Multiple glTF animations will load into different Takes
Project Assets
- Project fonts are displayed in the Project Asset Inspector
- Missing Fonts can be identified and fixed
- Project assets are displayed in the Project Asset Inspector
- Missing assets can be identified and fixed
- Node Asset Version Pinning
- Missing Asset Detection and Warning on load and on save
- Missing Assets Icon in the Objects Manager, Node Editor and Project Asset Inspector
- Thicken and Symmetry Nodes
- Memory Node supported in Capsules
- Resample Spline Node allows you to interactively adjust the spline resolution
- Pop Element Node, "Pops" the last element of the end input array
- Geometry Property Get and Set improvements
- Nodal Capsule improvements
General Enhancements
- Users can interrupt loading documents that contain Python scripting elements
. Aims to prevent loading documents that potentially can be malicious
Known Issues/Warnings
- Rest Grids for Pyro is not supported in Redshift at the time of release, but can be used with other render engines.
- Fixed an issue with Autokeying where the PSR Reset command did not create a keyframe
- Fixed an issue with keyframes in the Timeline where the key type was corrupted when changing the Tangent Preset
- Fixed an issue with baking object simulations where the generated keyframes had no effect on the generated object copy
- Fixed an issue with the Stage object where no camera change occurred when scrubbing the Power Slider
Asset Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Tension tag appearing with the wrong category in the Commander search
- Fixed an issue with the Commander search where the results of an incremental search had little relevance to the current context
Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where the Attribute Manager always showed only Node attributes
Character Animation
- Fixed a stability issue with the Cmotion object where changing the walk type from Static to Line would cause a crash
- Fixed an issue with the Bind command where the Settings window was too small and slow to respond
- Fixed an issue with Pose Morph influencing spline tangents incorrectly
- Fixed an issue with the Mirror Tool where a newly mirrored Joint hierarchy was not renamed with the proper prefix for Left or Right
- Fixed a stability issue with the legacy Commander when typing certain letter combinations
- Fixed an issue with the Cappuccino tool deleting the animated object when the PowerSlider cursor reached the end of the preview area
Color Management
- Fixed several issues with the Color Chooser and its Color from Picture mode
- Fixed a performance issue of the Picture Viewer with View Transform set to ACES
- Fixed a stability issue with the Delta Mush deformer when using it with Fields
- Fixed an issue with the Delta Mush deformer making meshes with isolated points disappear from the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel deformer stretching UV coordinates improperly
- Fixed a file import issue where sending a file from VectorWorks or ArchiCAD to Cinema 4D caused a File Format error
- Fixed a stability issue when importing a USD file
- Fixed an issue with OBJ import where existing object names were replaced with Default
- Fixed some issues with OBJ exchange where some materials were not exported correctly as OBJ
- Fixed an issue with OBJ import where materials were imported from an MTL file but not applied
- Fixed an Illustrator export issue that caused false error messages when starting the export from the Object Manager's File menu.
- Fixed an issue with OBJ export where a suffix was added to the names of exported materials
- Fixed an issue with FBX export where importing the exported file in UnrealEngine 5.3 would cause an error message
- Fixed an issue with FBX export where a misleading error message was generated when trying to save an empty selection with Selection Only enabled
- Fixed an issue with the Vector Import object where the Extrude Depth parameter was different depending on the way the vector was imported
- Fixed an issue with USD export where the parameters of Light objects were often converted incorrectly
- Fixed an issue with Vector import where the dimensions of objects rendered in the Picture Viewer were different from their size in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with Vector import where the Picture Viewer rendered some object positions incorrectly
- Fixed an issue with Vector import where the Picture Viewer rendered material colors incorrectly
- Fixed an issue with FBX exchange where the Cast Shadows option of Light objects was not handled correctly-
- Fixed an issue with FBX exchange where the Core Shadow Angle parameter of Light objects was not handled correctly
- Fixed an issue with FBX exchange and Cloners where the orientation of clones was flipped on import
- Fixed some issues with FBX exchange where animations of several parameters of Light objects were not exported
- Fixed an issue with Alembic import where Alembic Generators were missing their "a" icon in the Object Manager
- Fixed an issue with GLTF import not containing animation data
- Fixed a stability issue with the OBJ export
- Fixed an issue with the GLB export that caused an "Invalid file operation" when the Texture option was enabled
- Fixed an issue with materials not being updated when merged with a project
- Fixed an issue with the Hair object where the Cache was emptied when using Undo after any operation
- Fixed an issue with the Hair object where a saved Cache was not loaded when opening a project file but only after using Revert so Saved Project
- Fixed an issue with the Hair object where growing Hair on another Hair object was not possible
- Fixed an issue with inconsistent naming of the button and command for "Normal Editing: Reverse"
- Fixed an issue with the GUI for "Mesh Checking" where the buttons were not aligned correctly with their corresponding elements
- Fixed an issue on MacOSX where dragging a .C4D file onto the Dock icon would not cause the project to load
- Fixed an issue with the locale-dependent default FPS value for new projects that was correctly initialized only for German
- Fixed an issue with the Preferences Manager on MacOSX where the Shortcuts in Menu option could not be disabled when the Mac Menu Bar was active
- Fixed an issue in the Preferences Manager where the setting for the screen position at which the Commander should open did not work
- Fixed an issue with loading a project file on MacOSX where Drag & Drop launched Cinema 4D but did not load the file
- Fixed a stability issue when trying to send a crash report while the Task Manager window was open
- Fixed an issue with the Commander shrinking vertically each time it was opened by button click
Layer Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Layer Manager's Solo functionality affecting only the Object Manager, not the viewport
- Fixed a stability issue related to Materials
- Fixed a stability issue with the Layer shader
- Fixed an issue with the Gradient shader where the Undo command did not work after changing Gradient parameter values
- Fixed a performance issue with the Gradient interface where any adjustment of the gradient knots would cause Cinema 4D to freeze
Material Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Material Exchange command where some materials disappeared after performing an Undo operation
- Fixed a stability issue with the Edge Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Split command where in Point mode the points of the newly created object were not selected
- Fixed a stability issue with the Stitch and Sew command when connecting points of two polygonal objects
- Fixed a stability issue with the legacy Cloth simulation which caused a crash when used in combination with an attractor force
- Fixed an issue with the modelling UI where the Collapse command was greyed out for a selection in Polygon mode
- Fixed an issue with the Edge Cut tool where the modifier keys did not work as expected
- Fixed an issue with the Drag Copy feature where dragging an object in the Viewport with [CTRL] pressed did not create a duplicate
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport where Vertex Normals were not displayed even if enabled in the View Options
- Fixed an issue with the Sweep object and the Magnet tool where there was no live update while manipulating the Path Spline
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen where polygons did not respond to the tool when the Viewport was in Lines view mode
- Fixed some issues with the Slide tool in Point and Edge modes where the Offset created in the Viewport could not be modified in the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Normal Editing manager where changes to the parameters had no effect
- Fixed an issue with VAMP where there was no way to abort a transfer process
- Fixed an issue with VAMP not remembering its parameter settings
- Fixed a stability issue when using the Fill Selection tool and interacting with Viewport and Object Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Displacer deformer not working with animated bitmap sequences
- Fixed an issue with Isoline editing where the combination of a Subdivision Surface generator and active Deformers caused the mesh to disappear from the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with Loop Selection not working alongside hidden polygons
- Fixed an issue with hidden polygons where hiding a Polygon selection would also hide disconnected Points
- Fixed an issue with the "Polygon Islands to Object" function where the resulting object hierarchy appeared to have an axis offset in the Viewport
- Fixed some issues with component selections also including hidden components although Visible Only was enabled
- Fixed an issue with Cut & Paste where cutting a Polygon did not remove it from an object
- Fixed an issue with the "Current State to Object" conversion after using the Quad Remesh tool
- Fixed an issue with inconsistent centering of the Modeling Axis when component selections were active
- Fixed an issue with the Mesh Checking tool incorrectly identifying "Bad Polygons"
- Fixed a stability issue with MoGraph Fields
- Fixed an issue with the Plain effector where using a Transform Scale factor of -1 caused an incorrect alignment during animation
- Fixed an issue with the formula field which would stop working after any parameter changes
- Fixed some stability issues with MoGraph
- Fixed an issue with the Skin object where Vertex Maps driven by Fields could not control the growth areas for Hair
- Fixed an issue with Vertex Maps not recognizing colliding objects
- Fixed a stability issue with the Cache Tag when applied to a Matrix object that was used as source object for another Matrix object
- Fixed a stability issue when moving nodes in the XPresso editor
- Fixed an issue with Fields where Vertex Maps controlled by Fields did not work properly while a Subdivision Surface object was active
- Fixed an issue with the Modify clone parameter of an effector when blending between two Cloner objects
- Fixed a stability issue with the MoGraph ReEffector
- Fixed an issue with legacy Falloffs not initializing correctly on project load
- Fixed a refresh issue with Fields not updating the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Edge to Spline command including Ngon lines in the spline
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel tool creating wrong results when using Profile Splines
- Fixed an issue with the Chamfer tool where the created tangents were too short to properly round the spline
- Fixed an issue with the selection of Edges where in orthographic views some edges could not be selected at certain zoom levels
- Fixed an issue with the Matrix Object in a Field Layer not updating
- Fixed a performance issue with MoExtrude
- Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where propagated Geometry Ports appeared with an incorrect icon in the Group input area
- Fixed a stability issue with the Geometry Property Get Node in Weights mode
- Fixed an issue with the Thicken Node which in combination with the Remesh Node failed to generate an End Cap
- Fixed an issue with the Text Spline Node causing memory leaks
- Fixed an issue with the IO Float Size Node resetting values for all parameters
- Fixed an issue with Scene Nodes where Node setups did not refresh properly after reopening a saved project
- Fixed an issue with Scene Nodes where connections between component ports were not saved in the scene file
- Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where selections of Nodes could not be deleted
- Fixed an issue with the Gradient Node where removing one knot deleted all other knots as well
- Fixed some issues with the Clone onto Points Node
- Fixed an issue with the Connect Node not converting Spline primitives to editable Splines
- Fixed an issue inserting a Node into an existing Wire which was grouped within a Scaffold, where the new Node did not become part of the scaffold
- Fixed a stability issue when using Node-generated Splines in the Spline Mask object
- Fixed an issue with Splines flashing in the Viewport when changing keyframed attributes of Capsules in the Object Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where undoing changes while editing an Asset cleared the Node Editor display
- Fixed an issue with the Powerslider Timeline not displaying any Keys from animated Nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Node Editor not displaying any error message for a missing Scope input
- Fixed an issue with the Geometry Resize Node losing Vertex Color information
- Fixed an issue with the Connect Node forwarding duplicate UV tags
- Fixed a stability issue when connecting the Connect Node to a wired Output port
- Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where an error caused by an incorrect Node connection persisted even after the connection was removed.
- Fixed an issue with the Fallback mode of the Geometry Property Set Node
- Fixed an issue with the Node Editor where wires inside scaffolds could not be disconnected
Node Editor
- Fixed an issue with the Node Editor displaying an internal sorting prefix with some Node names
- Fixed an issue with the Node Editor truncating Node names despite place available
- Fixed an issue with Notes for the Node Editor where presets for background color and font size were not saved
- Fixed an issue with Node Materials where hiding and unhiding the material preview in the Node Editor would cause the preview to stop refreshing.
Object Manager
- Fixed a stability issue with the RS Dome Light
- Fixed a stability issue where a project would crash on load or when scrubbing the Timeline
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Relief Generator
- Fixed an issue with the Text Spline object producing low-quality splines at very small font sizes
- Fixed an issue with the Cone primitive object where the Fillet parameter for the Caps did not produce the desired results
- Fixed an issue with Render Instances staying visible after deleting their source
- Fixed an issue with Rendering where the position, scale and rotation of imported vectors was different between Viewport and Renderers
- Fixed a stability issue with Cloth simulation
- Fixed a stability issue when enabling Mesh Checking with Edge Points selected
- Fixed an issue with VAMP when the Evaluation Method Nearest Polygon (With Data Breaks) was selected
- Fixed a stability issue with the Loop/Path Cut tool
- Fixed a performance issue with the Viewport being laggy while using the search field in the Preferences Manager
- Fixed a performance issue when defining a scene containing an XRef as the default scene
- Fixed a stability issue when opening a project created in Cinema 4D 2023
- Fixed a stability issue with the Iron tool
- Fixed a stability issue with CMotion when changing parameters during playback
Project Asset Inspector
- Fixed an issue in the Project Asset Inspector where missing assets were not clearly displayed when grouped view was enabled
- Fixed an issue with the Python Console where the data output for Vertex Maps was not correct
- Fixed an issue with Python where parameter access via brackets did not work
- Fixed an issue with the Python Console where an exception error was output instead of a list of Graph Nodes
- Fixed an issue with Redshift and the Phong tag where the shading was not rendered correctly
- Fixed an issue with the Physical Renderer not rendering cloned Light sources
- Scene Layout Tools
- Fixed a stability issue while baking Dynamics in the Project Settings
- Fixed an issue with the Direction property of a Soft Body where applying a Linear Field did not influence the simulation
- Fixed an issue with the Field Samples setting for Pyro that only worked correctly with the default value
- Fixed an issue with Spline Wrap in conjunction with Bullet Dynamics where different versions of Cinema 4D produced different results.
- Fixed an issue with the shape of Clones when animating their scale in combination with a Rigid Body simulation
- Fixed an issue with the GoZ Polygon Color tag increasing the size of the project file
- Fixed a stability issue when deleting a Wind Force object and undoing this while the simulation was running
- Fixed an issue with the Rope Simulation not working with cloned objects attached to the Rope
- Fixed issue with the Pyro Cache not working with Density disabled
- Fixed an issue with Pyro where the Bounding Box would flicker when using an Emission Map
- Fixed an issue with precomputing a simulation even when all Simulation objects have been disabled
- Fixed an issue with the Matrix object not being updated when used on a Rigid Body
- Fixed an issue with Constraints not working correctly with Rigid Bodies
- Fixed an issue with Pyro not working correctly with Rigid Bodies
- Fixed an issue with the Random Effector where applying the effector to a Cloner controlling Rigid Objects caused a shift in the rotation of the Clones
- Fixed an issue with the Pyro Output object where the Link to Default Scene button was missing
- Fixed an issue with the Initial Velocity markers of Rigid Body clones where the marker lines had different lengths for different Instance Modes.
- Fixed an issue with Rope Dynamics where a Rope simulation which was applied to Splines generated from a Nodes Spline with a Connector behaved erratically
- Fixed an issue with Simulation Forces where excluding a force had no effect when its "Enabled" state was animated
- Fixed an issue with Rigid Bodies passing through a defined Collider object
- Fixed an issue with the Field Force object not working with Thinking Particles
- Fixed a stability issue with opening a new project during Rigid Body simulation
Take System
- Fixed an issue with the Take system deleting and overwriting Takes in Redshift Nodes when saving a scene
- Fixed an issue with the Take manager where an Undo action would remove all Takes
- Fixed a stability issue with Rigid Body simulations
- Fixed an issue with the F-Curve Timeline where Key Times could not be scaled seamlessly by arithmetic input
UV Tools
- Fixed an issue with the VAMP tool not being able to transfer UVs of objects containing non-manifold geometry
- Fixed an issue with the Texture UV Editor where the UV mapping could not be updated while the Editor was closed
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport where glitches and artifacts appeared while another Viewport panel was open
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport becoming unresponsive when using Vertex Color tags and Redshift materials.
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport not refreshing correctly while moving a Floor object
- Fixed an issue with the Selection tools not working properly in Orthographic views
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport showing artifacts while zooming in and out
- Fixed a stability issue when switching to Perspective view
- Fixed a stability issue when copying an object and pasting it back
- Fixed an issue with IES Lights which would not display properly in the Viewport if their IES file was linked to the Asset Browser rather than saved with the project file
- Fixed an issue with the default scene in the Viewport not loading its materials correctly
- Fixed an issue with the Rotate View button stopping to work when exceeding the screen borders
- Fixed a stability issue with the Selector when altering selections in Points mode
- Fixed a stability issue with the Select All command in Points mode
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport live selection that could lead to artifacts or freezes
- Fixed an issue with the Volume Builder where clicking a checkbox in its Objects list would toggle all other check boxes as well
Cinema 4Dis a professional 3D modeling, animation, simulation and rendering software solution. Its fast, powerful, flexible and stable toolset make 3D workflows more accessible and efficient for design, motion graphics, VFX, AR/MR/VR, game development and all types of visualization professionals. Cinema 4D produces stunning results, whether working on your own or in a team.
Cinema 4D 2024delivers unmatched speed and performance for your most demanding creative scenes. Rigid body simulations now interact with all existing forces, pyro, fabrics and soft bodies. Pyro now offers more precise controls for artists to art direct their simulation and ensure it matches their vision. By adding the Pyro tag to standard particle emitters, thinking particle geometries and matrix cloners, they can now emit Pyro. And the new Vertex Normal tools offer you unparalleled precision for perfect surfaces.
What's New in Cinema 4D 2024 Full Feature Breakdown
Maxon Computeris a leading developer of 3D software for the creative industries, best known for its flagship 3D modeling, painting, rendering, and animation software, Cinema 4D. Today, users across the world rely on Cinema 4D to create cutting-edge 3D motion graphics, architectural and product visualizations, video game graphics, illustrations and much more. Formed in 1986 by Harald Egel, Harald Schneider and Uwe Bärtels, Maxon's headquarter is located in Germany. Maxon operates subsidiaries in the U.S., U.K., Canada, and competence centers in Japan, France and Singapore.