Free Download VovSoft Batch Translator 3.5 Portable Free Links | 2.2 Mb
Translate thousands of words or sentences in seconds. If you need to translate a lot of words or sentences, it would be very time-consuming to translate every piece of text using traditional translator tools. Vovsoft Batch Translator can help you translate multiple texts at once.
Mass translation software
Vovsoft Batch Translator is one of the best translation software products that can help you with your multilingual needs. This batch translate tool makes it simple and easy to deliver localized digital content to overseas markets. With this program, "batch process" mass translation into many languages can be done very easily without dealing with complex APIs.
For technical documents and other more complicated work, it remains recommended that human readers at least proofread the automated translations.
Translate multiple files
You can also translate multiple files using command line parameters. How to use:
start /wait batchtranslator.exe -input InputFile1.txt -output OutputFile1.txt -api azure -from ENGLISH -to FRENCH
start /wait batchtranslator.exe -input InputFile2.txt -output OutputFile2.txt -api ibm -from GERMAN -to JAPANESE
start /wait batchtranslator.exe -input InputFile3.txt -output OutputFile3.txt -api openai -from ARABIC -to DUTCH
Operating System:Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
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