Dr. Joseph Murphy - The Cosmic Power Within You
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Category: Self Improvement
Dr. Joseph Murphy - The Cosmic Power Within You
In a nutshell: By understanding how the subconscious mind works, you can learn how dreams become reality.
Dr Joseph Murphy spent a good part of his life studying eastern religions and was a scholar of the I Ching, the Chinese book of divination. He was also, for 28 years, minister at the Los Angeles branch of the Church of Divine Science, a New Thought church that promotes a practical spirituality, free of religious creed and dogma.
He believed he had found secrets concerning the subconscious that were beyond time and culture.
How the subconscious works
Murphy saw the subconscious mind as a dark room in which we develop images that are to be lived out in real life. While the conscious mind sees an event, takes a picture of it and remembers it, the subconscious mind works backwards, 'seeing' something before it happens.
The subconscious is neutral in a moral sense, so happy to adopt any habit as 'normal', good or bad. We let negative thoughts drop into the subconscious every minute of our lives, then are surprised when they find expression in day-to-day experiences and relationships.
Knowledge of the subconscious means we can control the thoughts and images we feed it. This makes Murphy's 1963 book, with its instructions and affirmations that will have the greatest effect on the subconscious, a tool of liberation. Understanding your subconscious mind as a photographic mechanism removes the struggle from changing your life; if it is just a matter of replacing existing mental images with new ones, change seems easy.
Relaxed faith = results
The subconscious cannot be coerced, responding best to relaxed faith that it will do its transforming work with ease. Trying hard, which may work for a task given to the conscious mind, is a cause of failure with its subterranean other half. It suggests to your subconscious there is opposition to what you want done.
Along with relaxed faith, the ease with which the subconscious accomplishes things increases with emotion. An idea or a thought alone may excite the rational, conscious mind but the subconscious likes things to be 'emotionalised'. When a thought becomes a feeling and imagination desire, it will deliver what you want with speed and abundance. Yet Murphy said it is less important to know how your subconscious works than to develop the faith that it can.
Believing it to be so
'The law of your mind is the law of belief itself,' Murphy noted. In the West we have made 'the truth' our highest value; this motivation, while important, is weak next to the actual power of belief in shaping our lives. Whatever you give your subconscious, it will register as fact.
Health and prosperity
In the rituals of ancient times, it was the power of suggestion and acceptance in the subconscious mind that healed. Miracles of healing, Murphy said, are simply the body obeying the subconscious mind's knowledge of 'perfect health' when the questioning nature of the normal conscious mind is silenced.
The other aspect of mental healing is the premise that our minds are part of a larger human mind, linked to 'infinite intelligence'. This is why it is not crazy, Murphy claimed, to believe you can heal people not physically near to you, by visualising health, energy and love for them.
As there is a principle of health and harmony in the universe, so there is a principle of abundance. Those aware of this will not have a nervous breakdown if their business is lost but understand it as a message to get reacquainted with the fact of a prosperous universe.
The 'feeling of wealth', Murphy said, produces wealth in reality. He shows how to signal to the subconscious so the abundant images manifest themselves in real life.
Why prayers are usually in vain
Murphy said there should be nothing 'mystical' about getting answers to our prayers. One who knows the workings of the subconscious mind will learn how to pray 'scientifically'. Conventional prayer (the pleading, wishing, hoping variety) involves no faith; real faith is the knowledge that something is being provided. When prayers become occasions to give thanks for the fact of assistance (even if it has yet to materialise), they cease to be mystical.
Final comments
Many people say their lives were not the same after reading this book. The subconscious is powerful and what you get from Murphy is the realisation that unless you try to understand the non-rational mind, your rational desires and plans will be forever sabotaged.

