How to Pose Females in Photographs: Learn to Direct Models and Clients For Better Images
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Product Details In my opinion, posing or directing the person in front of the camera is the photographer's job.
Candid photography has its place but it is a very low percentage option when photographing people.
Posing is not a dirty word. A photographer who knows how to direct and get the best from his/her subject has great advantages over the others who can't.
Good posing doesn't look posed. Good posing is a combination of encouraging your subject and allowing them to settle into the body shape that enhances their beauty.
This class will concentrate on posing female subjects because most photographers shoot predominantly female clients or models.
It is not a good idea to expect your model to dictate the poses for your shoot. They don't usually understand photographic lighting, composition and timing the way that you do.
She wants to look good - She needs you to help her do that
She needs guidance - she doesn't always know what looks good
She doesn't know what you want
So you need to take charge because you are the only one who can see what the image looks like through the viewfinder of your camera.
In this class you will learn many tips on how to pose female subjects, you will see well over 100 of my images that illustrate the techniques and you will see a number of live photo shoots in my studio with my model Yasmine to show you the way I interact and direct her into attractive poses.