Caricature class: Part 1, likeness, sketching and exaggeration
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Product Details Hi and welcome to my new skillshare class on my method in creating caricature cartoon drawings of people using procreate. This is part 1 of a series of classes covering caricature & cartoon styled drawings, in this series I will cover likeness,sketching,colouring, shade and lighting and how to have beautiful attractive finishing linework.
You will need an iPad, a pressure sensitive pen and procreate to take part in this class ?
caricature and cartooning has always been a passion of mine, but getting a true likeness of my subjects has been something that I always struggled with until learning this method.
In this part of my caricature series we will be covering the first parts and steps I use to achieve a likeness of people. We will learn the method I use which is a little different to what many people may be familiar with using my triangle method. We will learn what we can exaggerate and how features all interact with each other.
We learn the importance of keeping certain areas and angles in shape to retain likeness whilst changing others.
I Will go over how things change for different sexes and ages.
this class is suitable for beginners to intermediate and had lots of scope in terms of detail and what you produce.
This method really worked for me and hopefully at the end of this series you will be excited and confident to go ahead and start drawing people.
would love your feedback on this course especially if you have found it helped you as much as me.