Kyle Milligan - The Process A Draft By Draft Copywriting Walkthrough
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Product Details I'm Kyle Milligan.
I write direct response sales letters for a living.
In 2018, my sales copy brought in over $7.1 million in sales and over 51,000 new customers!
I want to show you what a guy writing direct response sales copy actually does on a regular basis.
So that you can quickly learn how to become a great copywriter.
Watch over my shoulder, pick up new tricks, and unlock my personal writing process.
As I take you behind the scenes of writing the sales letter for MY front end product (my book), Take Their Money!
+ The Process: 6 hours of virtually shadowing me. Have a real copywriter actually show you how to write copy, instead of talking broadly about it.
– $5,100 value
+ Deep Dive into Inner Workings of one of Agora Financial's best selling book offers ever. (Not available anywhere else in the world)
– $300
+ Facebook Ads Compliance Cheat Sheet and Live Video Training. I got this information from Agora Financial's Facebook ads specialist.