The Basics of Faces | Simple Female Portrait Drawing
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Genre / Category:Drawing & Painting
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Product Details Today we'll be getting familiar with drawing simple female portraits.
During the class, we'll:
- discuss the basic facial proportions from 3 main angles:
- the front view,
- the side view,
- the three-quarter view.
- the front view,
- complete 3 exercises by using photographic references.
Upon completion, you'll know how to position the facial features according to the proportions of the face to make a believable simple female portrait. And, of course, you'll know how to use the reference pictures to help you with translating resemblance in your drawings.
All that you can use for creating fictional characters or real life people of your choice.
This class might require a basic understanding of human facial elements, however it'll be helpful for anyone who is interested in drawing simple portraits.
Everything you'll see will be made in Procreate, but it absolutely doesn't mean that you won't be able to repeat it with other graphic software or even with traditional materials.