2 Advanced Cyanotype Techniques: perfecting your final photography prints
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Product Details I love the ability of Cyanotype to have a mind of its own and create some unique results that come from the process itself (take a look at my Wet Cyanotypes class). But there are times when I'm looking to do something specific. Whether there's a particular look I'm going for or there is an image that needs a little more finesse in order to look it's best, it's important to have the necessary tools to not always be at the mercy of the medium. So this class is about giving you 2 methods of controlling some of the finer points of your images.
One method revolves around the specifics of coating, and seeing if your technique could be fine-tuned in order to give you richer blues and denser prints. The other method comes after exposure, and uses a household ingredient to control contrast in the final prints.
This class is not about me leading you through a step by step process in order to get perfect results. Since there are so many variables at play, it's impossible for me to give you your perfect solution. So instead this class will lead you through the necessary experiments you'll need to determine what your own prints need. I've always said I love the experimental nature of cyanotype and this class is no exception.
This is a more advanced class, not because of the difficulty, but because of the level of detail we are looking at the finished prints with. These may not be techniques for everyone (it is fun to just make casual cyanotype prints) but it is for anyone who would like more creative control in their cyanotype photography process.