Patterns for POD & Scrapbooking with Illustrator & Illustrator on iPad – Graphic Design for Lunch™
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Product Details Graphic Design for Lunch™ is a series of short video courses you can study in bite size pieces such as at lunchtime. In this course you'll learn to use the new Repeat feature in Illustrator on the desktop as well as Illustrator on the iPad to make patterns to use for Print on Demand sites like Society 6 and for Scrapbook papers. I'll explain when it is safe to use this tool and when it won't work for some pattern design situations.
I'll show you how to use the tool on the iPad and the desktop and how the two applications differ. I'll also explain how the tool differs from the Pattern Make tool in Illustrator and how to workaround some of its issues.
We will also look at potential problems you will encounter when working on files between the iPad and the desktop via the cloud and how to avoid some common problems.
By the end of this class you will be able to make a range of patterns using this new tool on the iPad or on the desktop. You will be able to save them ready for use online. You will understand more about using the Cloud to work on documents across the iPad and the desktop and you'll have new tools and techniques to use in Illustrator every day.