Men's Shirt In Marvelous Designer
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Genre / Category: 3D Tutorials
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Product Details To my course, Men's Shirt In Marvelous Designer. In this course we gone a learn how to create different types of Shirts like..Polo Shirt, Casual Shirt, Hoodie and many more in very easy to learn way.
What is your benefit to choose this course ?
First, you'll quickly make your own beautiful and dynamic clothes for 3d models – for animation, films, games.
Things you learn here...
You'll explore the different tools that will help to create the shirts , hoddies, tanktop etc.
There are some key learning is How to make the basic pattern, how to make cloths with DAZ avatar.
Moving forward we learn how to make T shirt, Buttons cuffs for jackets and shirts.
Not only shirts , we make hoodies for women and men both.
By the end of this training you will be able to create these types of stylish shirts.
Students who is Ideal for this course
Fashion designers, 3d modeler, 3d artist, Marvelous Designer Users.
Software required: Marvelous Designer.