Spyros Heniadis – Beyond Manual Mode
Home Page https://selfhelpphotographer.com/beyondmanualmode/
Genre / Category:
Photography Tutorials
File Size :2GB
It's Time To Go Beyond Manual Mode As a photographer, you can take photos, or you can create images, and there is a distinct difference between the two. Taking pictures is grabbing the camera, pointing it at whatever, and taking a photo. Maybe you're in auto and you're literally just pointing the camera and pushing the button. Maybe you're in manual mode and you've taken the time to get an exposure value of 0, and maybe you've thrown a bit of shallow depth of field in there, but by and large, taking pictures is just snapping away without much thought or intention.
Now, I want to be clear, this is not meant to criticize anyone that enjoys photography like this. Everyone has the right to enjoy photography how they choose, and nobody should ever be criticized for that, but you're here, which means you want more, and that means you need to embrace the idea of putting more intent into your work.


