Coloring the Uncolored in Procreate 5x (with example Artwork to jump right in!)
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Coloring-the-Uncolored-in-Procreate-5x-with-example-Artwork-to-jump-right-in/1563505255
Genre / Category:
Drawing and Painting & Art
File Size :1.1GB
In this Art Class we're going to take the grey-toned Bonsai Tree we drew (or use the one I've provided if you've not yet been part of the previous 'Drawing Bonsai Trees' classes and turn it into a lovely colored piece.
There are several ways to go about this in Procreate. We'll be looking at 5 different methods to get the job done: Alpha Lock, Clipping Masks, Gradient Maps, Curves and Color Balance.
I'll be showing you how to effectively use these different methods and we'll also be venturing into using a combo of the options to give us just the look we want – ending up with the best result.
Enjoy coloring the uncolored, or use these very helpful methods to change the colors of existing pieces into your liking. Another great skill to add to your Procreate toolbox.
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