Watercolor Made Easy – Explore Beginner and Intermediate Wash Techniques
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Watercolor-Made-Easy-Explore-Beginner-and-Intermediate-Wash-Techniques/2007411863
Genre / Category:
Drawing and Painting & Art
File Size :526MB
This class will introduce you to some the basic techniques and how to get the most out of watercolors. If you have used the medium you know it can be very difficult to get good results. That's usually because artists like to control it too much! This will ruin the spontaneous, carefree look that's so beautiful and unique from other mediums.
Watercolor painting is all about knowing when to get out of the way so the paint can create some magic, and when to step in with some finesse so your paintings have depth and believability.
What you will love about this class– Assignments with critiques! If you complete the assignments in a timely manner you can get feedback on your work. This is only available from July 21st thru August 5th.
Class begins July 21st– I will release the first series of videos that include the beginner module and your first assignment.
Each day, except for Sunday, I will release a new lesson(s). You will get a notification via email as soon as the new lessons are published and ready to view.
Critique videos– there will be three critiques along the way. Here are the dates:
July 26thAugust 1stAugust 8th
Beginner module– here we will cover my materials, workspace setup, brushwork techniques, wet-in-wet washes, layering basics and an assignment.
Exploring washes & layering– you will dive deeper into understanding washes and more advanced methods for achieving different results. These ideas will loosen you up and get you away from trying to over-control the medium.
Add value to your art– learn how value will enhance your art. Once you have these skills under your belt you will no longer struggle with weak paintings.
Advanced gradations and value techniques– dive a lot deeper into various ideas for combining gradations and values.
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