Last updated 11/2021
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 12.40 GB | Duration: 44h 27m
Expose yourself to advanced concepts in Financial Management & Prepare confidently for for CA / CS / CFA /CPA Exams
What you'll learn
Understand Mergers and Acquistions.
Understand Advanced Capital Budgeting Techniques
Understand Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting
Understand Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis in Capital Budgeting
Understand Leasing
Understand Dividend Decisions
Understand Basics of Derivative Instruments
Understand Portfolio Management - Quanitative Techniques
Basic knowledge in Financial Management
Basic Knowledge in Accounting
Are you struggling in understanding advanced concepts in Financial Management like Capital Budgeting Techniques, Leasing, Mergers & Acquisitions, Portfolio Management, etc. Are you a student pursuing professional courses like CA / CMA / CS / CFA /CPA / ACCA / CIMA / MBA Finance or are you a Finance Professional / Banker aspiring to excel in Finance and rise to top in your career? Then this course is for you - Advanced Financial Management - A Comprehensive Study.By taking this course, you will be able to see practical side of advanced concepts in Financial Management with lot many case studies to solve. Approaching complex topics through case studies is the best way to understand them and you will find lot many in this course.In this course you will be exposed to the advanced concepts of Financial Management coveringa) Mergers and Acquisitions.b) Capital Market Instrumentsc) Advanced Capital Budgeting Techniques.d) Risk Analysis in Capital Budgetinge) Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis in Capital Budgetingf) Leasingg) Basics of Derivatives.h) Portfolio Management - Quantitative Techniques.i) Dividend Decisions.j) Start up Financek) Financial Markets and their regulationl) Mutual Fundsm) Venture Capitaln) Investment Bankingo) Credit Ratingp) Banking ManagementThis course is structured in self paced learning style. Each and every section of this course is broken down as various micro lectures and then they are substantiated with examples and case studies. Several real world examples are used in this course through case studies. You'll gain authority on each and every topic as i take you through lectures one by one. This course is presented in simple language with examples. This course has video lectures (with writings on Black / Green Board / Note book / Talking head, etc). You would feel you are attending a real class. You should have basic knowledge of Financial Management.You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process.At the end of the course, you will be able to solve above advanced concepts, case studies in Advanced at ease with high level of confidence. This course will equip you for approaching above listed professional examinations with confidence.
Section 1: Advanced Capital Budgeting Techniques
Lecture 1 What is Capital Expenditure
Lecture 2 How to evaluate capital expenditure project?
Lecture 3 Principles in Capital Budgeting
Lecture 4 Cash Flow and After Tax Principle
Lecture 5 Incremental Principle
Lecture 6 Inflation adj principle
Lecture 7 Long Term Fund Principle
Lecture 8 Capital Budgeting Steps
Lecture 9 Factors affecting Incremental Cash Flow
Lecture 10 Cashflow computation Case Study
Lecture 11 Case Study NPV
Lecture 12 Case Study NPV
Lecture 13 NPV Case Study
Lecture 14 Case Study NPV Tax Benefit
Lecture 15 NPV Case Study on Tax Savings 2
Lecture 16 NPV Case Study on Tax Savings
Lecture 17 Case Study NPV Tax Benefit
Lecture 18 NPV using Incremental Discount Rate Case Study
Lecture 19 NPV Case Study Opportunity Cost
Lecture 20 Cost Reduction Projects (Introduction)
Lecture 21 Case Study Cost Reduction Projects Hand out
Lecture 22 Cash Flows - Point of View
Lecture 23 Cash Flow Perspective
Lecture 24 Case Study Point of View
Lecture 25 Case Study Point of View
Lecture 26 Project and Equity IRR
Lecture 27 Abandonment Decision
Lecture 28 Replacement Decision (Excel based)
Lecture 29 Replacement Decision (Handwritten)
Lecture 30 Aggregate Cash Flow Method (Excel based)
Lecture 31 Incremental Cash Flow Method (Excel based)
Lecture 32 Incremental Cash Flow Method (Hand written)
Lecture 33 Replacement Analysis Case Study 1
Lecture 34 Replacement Analysis Case Study2
Lecture 35 Replacement Analysis Case Study3
Lecture 36 Replacement Analysis Case Study 4
Lecture 37 Equated Annual Benefit & Cost
Lecture 38 Equivalent Annual Cost Case Study
Lecture 39 NPV over Different Life
Lecture 40 Limitations of Incremental Cash Flow Method
Lecture 41 Money Cash Flow and Real Cash Flow (Excel Based)
Lecture 42 Money and Real Cash Flows
Lecture 43 Money Disc Rate and Real Disc Rate
Lecture 44 Inflation and Multiple Cash Flow terms
Lecture 45 Intersection of Money and Real terms with inflation
Lecture 46 Money Cash Flow and Real Cash Flow Case Study 1
Lecture 47 Money Cash Flow and Real Cash Flow Case Study 2
Lecture 48 Money Cash Flow and Real Cash Flow Case Study 3
Lecture 49 Money Cash Flow and Real Cash Flow Case Study 4
Lecture 50 Present Value of Cash Flows from MCF and RCF
Lecture 51 Issues with Inflation Rate 1
Lecture 52 Issues with Inflation Rate 2 and Case Study
Lecture 53 Practice Problem - Capital Budgeting: NPV Case Study 1
Lecture 54 Practice Problem - Capital Budgeting: NPV Case Study 2
Lecture 55 Capital Rationing Case Study
Lecture 56 Practice Problem - Compute Selling Price through NPV Equation
Section 2: Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting
Lecture 57 Risk and Uncertainity
Lecture 58 Case Study - Risk and Uncertainity
Lecture 59 Case Study Risk Uncertainity
Lecture 60 Probability and PD
Lecture 61 Expected Value
Lecture 62 Case study EV
Lecture 63 Standard Deviation
Lecture 64 Steps in Computing Standard Deviation
Lecture 65 SD in Decision Making
Lecture 66 Case Study SD Decision Making
Lecture 67 Risk Adjusted Discount Rate
Lecture 68 Case Study RADR
Lecture 69 Case Study 2 RADR
Lecture 70 Certainity Equivalent Factor
Lecture 71 Certainity Equivalent Factor Example
Lecture 72 Case Study Certainity Equivalent Factor
Lecture 73 Decision Tree Introduction
Lecture 74 Stages and Rules
Lecture 75 Evaluation rules
Lecture 76 Case Study 1 Decision Tree
Lecture 77 Case Study 2 Decision Tree
Lecture 78 Decision Tree Comprehensive Case Study
Lecture 79 Simulation Introduction
Lecture 80 Simulation eg
Lecture 81 Simulation steps
Lecture 82 Case Study Simulation
Lecture 83 Hilliers Model
Lecture 84 Hillier Case Study part 1
Lecture 85 Hillier Case Study part 2
Lecture 86 Practice Problems Expeted NPV - Case Study ( Single Period )
Lecture 87 practice problems Expeted NPV - Case Study ( Multiple Period)
Lecture 88 Practice Problems NPV using RADR
Lecture 89 Practice Problem - Decision Tree
Lecture 90 Practice Problem - Simulation Case Study
Lecture 91 Practice Problem - Simulation Case Study 2
Lecture 92 Practice Problem - Computation of Probable NPV (Best Case & Worst Case)
Lecture 93 Practice Problem - Computation of NPV using CE Factored Cashflows
Lecture 94 Practice Problem - Computation of Risk Adjusted NPV
Lecture 95 Practice Problem - Computation of RADR & NPV
Lecture 96 Practice Problem - Real & Nominal Cashflows and project evaluation
Section 3: Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis in Capital Budgeting
Lecture 97 Sensitivity Analysis
Lecture 98 Case Study Sensitivity Analysis
Lecture 99 Comprehensive Case Study on Sensitivity Analysis
Lecture 100 Scenario Analysis Introduction
Lecture 101 Steps in Scenario Analysis
Lecture 102 Case Study 1 - Scenario Analysis
Lecture 103 Case Study 1 Scenario Analysis
Lecture 104 Case Study 2 - Part 1 Scenario Analysis
Lecture 105 Case Study 2 Part 1 Scenario Analysis
Lecture 106 Case Study 2 part 2 Scenario Analysis
Lecture 107 Practice Problem: Sensitivity Analysis 1
Lecture 108 Practice Problem: Sensitivity Analysis 2
Section 4: Basics of Derivative Instruments (Professional Course Level)
Lecture 109 Derivatives background
Lecture 110 Derivative Choices
Lecture 111 Derivative Contract
Lecture 112 Forward Contract
Lecture 113 Futures Contract
Lecture 114 Features of Future Contract
Lecture 115 Options Contract
Lecture 116 Evaluation of Financial Risk
Lecture 117 Difference between Cash Market and Derivatives Market
Lecture 118 Orders issued by Customers in Derivative Market
Lecture 119 Risks associated with Derivatives
Lecture 120 Introduction to Pricing the future
Lecture 121 Continuous Compounding
Lecture 122 Continuous Compounding - Simple Case Study 1
Lecture 123 Continuous Compounding - Simple Case Study 2
Lecture 124 Continuous Compounding - Simple Case Study 3
Lecture 125 Continuous Discount - Concept & Case Study
Lecture 126 Equivalent Rate - Normal to Conitnuous Compounding - Concept & Case Study
Lecture 127 Equivalent Rate - Conitnuous to Normal Compounding - Case Study
Section 5: Leasing
Lecture 128 Introduction
Lecture 129 Leasing Fundamentals
Lecture 130 Leasing Mechanism
Lecture 131 Leasing Edge
Lecture 132 Evaluation of Lease
Lecture 133 Lease Rental - Case Study 1
Lecture 134 Lease Rental - Case Study 2
Lecture 135 Lease Rental - Case Study 3
Lecture 136 Lease Rental - Case Study 4
Lecture 137 Determing Maximum Lease Rental Case Study 5
Lecture 138 Indifference Point between Lease and Loan Case Study 6
Lecture 139 Lease Evaluation Case Study 6
Lecture 140 Weingartners Model
Lecture 141 Bower Herringer Williamson Model Case Study 7
Lecture 142 Bower Herringer Williamson Model
Lecture 143 Sale and Lease Back Case Study 8
Lecture 144 Difference between financial lease and operating lease
Section 6: Basics of Forex Management
Lecture 145 Introduction
Lecture 146 Exchange Rate
Lecture 147 Direct Quote
Lecture 148 Indirect Quote
Lecture 149 Link between Direct Quote and Indirect Quote
Lecture 150 Examples for Direct Quote and Indirect Quote
Lecture 151 Foreign Exchange Market
Lecture 152 American Term and European Terms
Lecture 153 Examples for Americal Term and European Term
Lecture 154 Bid Rate and Ask Rate
Lecture 155 Two Way Quote
Lecture 156 Selecting Appropriate Rate
Lecture 157 Spread
Lecture 158 How to convert a Two Way Quote
Lecture 159 Illustration to understand Two Way Quote
Lecture 160 Cross Rate and Cross Multiplication
Lecture 161 Illustration for Cross Rate and Cross Multiplication
Lecture 162 Exchange Rate for a Day
Lecture 163 What is Spot Rate
Lecture 164 What is Forward Rate
Lecture 165 What is Appreciation and Depreciation of Exchange Rate (Direct Quote)
Lecture 166 What is Appreciation and Depreciation of Exchange Rate (Indirect Quote)
Lecture 167 How to compute Appreciation and Depreciation of Exchange Rate
Lecture 168 What are Swap Points?
Lecture 169 Introduction to Forex Risks
Lecture 170 Forex Risk Management
Lecture 171 Types of Forex Risk
Lecture 172 Transaction Risk
Lecture 173 Translation Risk
Lecture 174 Case Study Transaction Risk
Lecture 175 Political Risk
Lecture 176 Economic Risk
Lecture 177 Introduction to Drivers of Forex Rate Part 1
Lecture 178 Drivers of Forex Rate Part 2
Lecture 179 Interest Rate Parity Theory
Lecture 180 Case study 1 Interest Rate Parity Theory
Lecture 181 Case study 2 Interest Rate Parity Theory
Section 7: Portfolio Management -Quantitative Techniques
Lecture 182 Introduction to Portfolio Management
Lecture 183 Return Computation
Lecture 184 Return Computation best method
Lecture 185 Returns of Listed Securities
Lecture 186 Case Study Return Computation
Lecture 187 Computation of Return using Probability
Lecture 188 Risk in Investment
Lecture 189 CS Risk Computation
Lecture 190 SD Computation steps
Lecture 191 Compute standard Deviation
Lecture 192 Upside Risk
Lecture 193 Risk free Security
Lecture 194 What is Diversification?
Lecture 195 Portfolio & Return
Lecture 196 Risk of Portfolio
Lecture 197 Covariance
Lecture 198 Case study Covariance
Lecture 199 Correlation Coefficient
Lecture 200 How to measure risk in portfolio of Two securities
Lecture 201 Reduction or Dilution of portfolio Risk through Diversification
Lecture 202 Portfolio risk - Both securities are perfectly positively correlated
Lecture 203 Portfolio Risk - Both securities perfectly negatively correlated
Lecture 204 portfolio risk - uncorrelated securities
Lecture 205 Portfolio with more than two securities
Lecture 206 calculation of Return & Risk of portfolio with more than two securities
Lecture 207 Markowits model of Risk Return optimization
Lecture 208 Efficient Frontier
Lecture 209 Uses of Efficient Frontier
Lecture 210 Diversifiable and Non Diversifiable Risk
Lecture 211 No. of Securities for an Optimum Portfolio
Lecture 212 Capital Market Line
Section 8: Dividend Decision - A Comprehensive Study
Lecture 213 Introduction to dividend
Lecture 214 Case Study on Basic terms of dividend
Lecture 215 Dividend Dates
Lecture 216 Case Study Dividend Dates
Lecture 217 Dividends and Market Price
Lecture 218 Dividend Policy
Lecture 219 Common Sense Approach
Lecture 220 Dividend Models
Lecture 221 Walter Model
Lecture 222 Walter Model Case Study
Lecture 223 Lintner model
Lecture 224 Lintner model Case study
Lecture 225 MM Model
Lecture 226 MM Model Formula
Lecture 227 Determinants of Dividend
Lecture 228 Case Study: Compute Market Value of Share using Walters Model
Lecture 229 Case Study: Compute Market Value of Share & Optimum Payout Ratio
Lecture 230 Case Study: Optimum Divdend Policy (Part 1/2)
Lecture 231 Case Study: Optimum Divdend Policy (Part 2/2)
Section 9: Mergers and Acquistions
Lecture 232 Introduction to Mergers and Acquisitons
Lecture 233 What is Acquisition?
Lecture 234 Why Merge?
Lecture 235 Different Structures of Merger
Lecture 236 Strategic benefits of Merger
Lecture 237 Different Valuation Models
Lecture 238 Asset based Valuation Model
Lecture 239 Case Study Asset Based Valuation Model
Lecture 240 Earnings based model
Lecture 241 Case Study on Earnings Based Model
Lecture 242 Bootstrapping
Lecture 243 Case Study Bootstrapping
Lecture 244 Case Study based on Return on Capital Employed
Lecture 245 Dividend based Valuation
Lecture 246 Dividend Valuation Case Study 1
Lecture 247 Dividend Valuation Case Study 2
Lecture 248 Dividend Valuation Case Study 3
Lecture 249 Dividen Valuation CAPM Case Study 1
Lecture 250 Free Cash Flow
Lecture 251 Free Cash Flow Case Study
Lecture 252 Cost of Merger Case Study
Lecture 253 Outcomes in perfect market
Lecture 254 Value of Firm using Free Cash Flows Case Study
Lecture 255 Earnings Capitalisation Methods
Lecture 256 Case Study Effect of Synergy
Lecture 257 Case Study Chop Shop Approach
Lecture 258 Business Acquistion Case Study
Lecture 259 Computation of Exchange Ratio Case Study
Section 10: Valuation
Lecture 260 Introduction to valuation and its concept
Lecture 261 Need for Valuation
Lecture 262 Bases for Valuation
Lecture 263 Type of value in Valuation
Lecture 264 Approaches of Valuation
Lecture 265 Introduction to Valuation of Tangible Fixed Assets
Lecture 266 Measurement at Cost
Lecture 267 Subsequent Change in Original Cost
Lecture 268 Valuation Approaches in case of Tangible Fixed Assets
Lecture 269 Depreciation and its changes
Lecture 270 Case 1 Preparation of Fixed Assets, Depreciation and Revaluation Reserve a/c
Lecture 271 Case 2 Determination of Origial Cost of the Machine
Lecture 272 Case 3 Calculation of Depreciation and taking credit of Deferred Grant
Lecture 273 Definition of Intangibles
Lecture 274 Recognition of Intangibles
Lecture 275 Goodwill
Lecture 276 Relevant Provisions of Accounting Standards on Goodwill
Lecture 277 Valuation of Goodwill
Lecture 278 Introduction to Valuation of Goodwill
Lecture 279 factors affecting goodwill of Business
Lecture 280 Methods of valuation of goodwill
Lecture 281 Average Profits Method for Valuation of Good will
Lecture 282 How to calculate Past Profit before Tax
Lecture 283 Case Study to calculate Past Profit before Tax
Lecture 284 How to Calculate Past Adjusted Profits before Tax
Lecture 285 Case study to Calculate Past Adjusted Profits before Tax
Lecture 286 How to Calculate Average Past Adjusted Profits before Tax
Lecture 287 How to Calculate Future Maintainable Profits after Tax
Lecture 288 Case Study on Future Maintainable Profits
Lecture 289 Case study on Computation of Goodwill under Average Profits Method
Section 11: Start Up Finance
Lecture 290 Introduction to Start Up Finance
Lecture 291 Innovative ways to finance start ups
Lecture 292 Sources to finance start ups part -1
Lecture 293 Sources to finance start ups part -2
Lecture 294 Pitch deck presentation
Lecture 295 How to Approach Pitch Presentation Part-1
Lecture 296 How to approach pitch presentation part-2
Lecture 297 What is Bootstrapping?
Lecture 298 Methods of Boot Strapping
Section 12: Financial Markets and their Regulation
Lecture 299 Introduction to Financial Markets
Lecture 300 Money Market
Lecture 301 Capital Market
Lecture 302 Difference between Money Market and Capital Market
Lecture 303 Significance of Money Market
Lecture 304 Characteristics of Money Market
Lecture 305 Introduction to Capital Markets
Lecture 306 Primary Capital Market
Lecture 307 Public Issue through Prospectus
Lecture 308 Offer for Sale
Lecture 309 Private Placement
Lecture 310 Book Building
Lecture 311 Rights Issue
Lecture 312 Secondary Capital Market and its Nature
Lecture 313 Functions of Stock Exchange
Lecture 314 Importance of Stock Exchange
Lecture 315 Stock Exchanges in India
Lecture 316 What are Financial Markets?
Section 13: Capital Market Instruments
Lecture 317 Introduction
Lecture 318 Preamble
Lecture 319 Equity Shares and its features
Lecture 320 Rights of Equity Share holders
Lecture 321 Preference Shares
Lecture 322 Cumulative Preference Shares
Lecture 323 Non Cumulative Preference Shares
Lecture 324 Convertible Preference Shares
Lecture 325 Redeemable Preference Shares
Lecture 326 Participating and Non Participating Preference Shares
Lecture 327 Fully Convertible Cumulative Preference Shares
Lecture 328 Debentures and its Features
Lecture 329 Types of Debentures
Lecture 330 Classification of Debentures
Lecture 331 Convertible Debentures
Lecture 332 Advantages of Convertible Debentures
Lecture 333 Difference between Primary Market and Secondary Market
Section 14: Mutual Funds
Lecture 334 Introduction to Mutual Funds
Lecture 335 Who can invest in Mutual Funds and How it works?
Lecture 336 Should we invest in stocks or mutual funds?
Lecture 337 Classification of Mutual funds
Lecture 338 Open end,closed end & Interval schemes of mutual funds
Lecture 339 Equity funds under portfolio Classification
Lecture 340 Debt funds under portfolio classification
Lecture 341 Special funds under Portfolio Classification
Lecture 342 Money market mutual funds
Lecture 343 Balanced Funds
Lecture 344 Equity Diverisified Funds and Flexiap / Multicap Fund
Lecture 345 Contra Fund and Index Fund
Lecture 346 Dividend Yield Fund
Lecture 347 Equity Linked Tax Savings Scheme
Lecture 348 Thematic Funds
Lecture 349 Arbitrage Funds
Section 15: Venture Capital
Lecture 350 Angel investors
Lecture 351 Venture capital funds
Lecture 352 concept of venture capital
Lecture 353 Advantages of venture capital
Lecture 354 Stages of Venture Capital Funds
Lecture 355 Venture Capital Investment Process
Lecture 356 Common Venture Capital Financing Methods
Section 16: Investment Banking
Lecture 357 Investment Banking Introduction
Lecture 358 Corporate Finance
Lecture 359 Sales
Lecture 360 Trading
Lecture 361 Research
Lecture 362 Syndicate
Section 17: Credit Rating
Lecture 363 Credit Rating
Lecture 364 Rating Services
Lecture 365 Credit Rating Process
Lecture 366 Business Risk
Lecture 367 Financial Risk
Section 18: Banking Management
Lecture 368 Capital Adequacy Ratio
Lecture 369 Basel:3-Norms
Lecture 370 Characteristics of Basel -3
Lecture 371 Composition of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) Under Basel 3 Norms
Section 19: Securities Market
Lecture 372 Introduction to Securities Market
Lecture 373 Participants in Financial Markets
Lecture 374 Relationship between Primary Market and Secondary Market
Lecture 375 What is Stock Exchange and its functions?
Section 20: Options
Lecture 376 Introduction to Options
Lecture 377 American Call Option
Lecture 378 Value Call Option - Graph
Lecture 379 Computation of Gain / Loss in Call Option
Lecture 380 OptionBreak Even Point & Graph
Lecture 381 Gain/Loss For Call Option
Lecture 382 Gain/Loss Graph For Call Writer
Lecture 383 What is Put Option ?
Lecture 384 Put Option Graph
Lecture 385 Evalution of Material cost of Two Sources
Lecture 386 In The Money At The Money, Out of The Money
Lecture 387 In The Money At The Money, Out of The Money - Case Study2
Lecture 388 Intrinsic Value & Time Value of Money of Option
Lecture 389 In The Money At The Money, Out of The Money - Case Study1
Lecture 390 In The Money At The Money, Out of The Money - Case Study2
Section 21: Bond Valuation
Lecture 391 Valuation of Bond (Introduction)
Lecture 392 Valuation of Bonds Related Terms
Lecture 393 Basic Bond Valuation
Lecture 394 Debt and Bonds
Lecture 395 Terms associated with Bonds
Lecture 396 Types of Bonds
Lecture 397 Optionality in Bonds
Lecture 398 Valuation of Bonds
Lecture 399 Bonds With Semi Annual Interest
Lecture 400 Problem Bonds Semi Annual Interest
Lecture 401 Current Yield
Lecture 402 Yield to Maturity
Section 22: Risk Management
Lecture 403 Strategic Risk and Compliance Risk
Lecture 404 Operational Risk
Lecture 405 Financial Risk
Lecture 406 Introduction to Securitization
Lecture 407 Features of Securitization
Lecture 408 Primary Participants in Securitization Process
Lecture 409 Security Participants in Securitization Process
Lecture 410 Introduction to Security Analysis
Lecture 411 Fundamental Analysis
Lecture 412 Economic Analysis
Lecture 413 Industry Analysis - An Introduction
Lecture 414 Factors affecting Industry Analysis
Lecture 415 Company Analysis - Part 1
Lecture 416 Company Analysis - Part 2
Lecture 417 Techniques used in Company Analysis
Lecture 418 Techniques used in Industry Analysis
Lecture 419 Company Analysis - Part 1
Lecture 420 Company Analysis - Part 2
Lecture 421 Techniques used in Company Analysis
Lecture 422 Case Study: Computation of Price of Share
Lecture 423 Case Study: Computation of Ex-right price of Shares and Value of Right
Lecture 424 Case Study: Computation of Theoretical Post Rights Price, Value, effect on wealt
Lecture 425 Case Study: Compuation of Price of Equity Shares
Lecture 426 Case Study: Compuation of Present Value of Stock & determine stock overvalued?
Lecture 427 Case Study: Compute Market Value of Share using Walters Model
Lecture 428 Case Study: Computation of Cost of Equity (Part 1)
Lecture 429 Case Study: Computation of Cost of Equity (Part 2)
Lecture 430 Case Study: Computation of Value of Equity Share using Yiled on Equity Shares (P
Lecture 431 Case Study: Computation of Value of Equity Share using Yiled on Equity Shares (P
Lecture 432 Case Study: Stock overvalued / undervalued?
Lecture 433 Bonus Lecture
Professional Course students taking up courses like CA / CPA / CMA / CFA / CIMA / MBA Finance,Finance Professionals


