PRO EDU – Surreal Portrait Retouching in Photoshop Tutorial with Kelly Robitaille
Content Source:https://proedu.com/collections/available-tutorials/products/surreal-portrait-and-beauty-photoshop-retouching-with-kelly-robitaille
Genre / Category:
Photoshop Tutorials
File Size :3.2GB
Many photographers are accomplished at bringing their vision to life. Kelly Robitaille has turned her dark and dreamlike visions into a series of surreal and whimsical portraits. In this tutorial Kelly shares her retouching methods, including actions, overlays and textures, which will allow you to create unusual and surreal portraits.
In this tutorial, Kelly Robitaille unveils her entire creative workflow for surreal and whimsical portraits. Beginning with a concept, she stresses the importance of giving her subjects backstory to create a photographic narrative and enhance character-driven emotion within her surreal portraiture. She then dives into the technical side of her work, demonstrating a number of Photoshop tools in interesting and unconventional ways specific to her style.
In this tutorial, Kelly Robitaille unveils her entire creative workflow for surreal and whimsical portraits. Beginning with a concept that is specific to the story she wants to tell in each photo – whether it be about something unusual or just someone looking off into space dreamily-she stresses giving subjects backstories so they have more dimensionality as people and teaches how to enhance features to support that story. This is a professional tutorial on how to retouch your photos using Photoshop in a surreal way. You'll learn everything about creating surreal portraits in Photoshop, including lighting tips, composition advice, post-production techniques and more!
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