Last updated 7/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 4.38 GB | Duration: 12h 3m
Basic to Advance
What you'll learn
Complete understanding of basic to expert Ruby concepts with practical implementation
Can automation any realtime application with Watir and also can design framework from scratch
No programming or coding experience required
Machine with Windows OS
Watir is one of the most popular Open source tool for Web Application automation, this course includes Watir WebDriver Basics to advance concepts and also covers Ruby Concepts, Cucumber Framework, Automation Framework Design (Page Objects, Data Driven, Reading Excel Files)
Ruby Basics: Variables, If-Then-Else, For loop, While loop, Arrays, Classes, Inheritance, Objects, Constructors, Methods, Working with Excel file and database
WatirWebDriver Basics: Commonly used methods and locator types, Id, Name, Class Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text, Xpath, Css Selector
Ajax Handling, Multi window handling, Actions class, Implicit wait, Explicit wait. After completing the the course you will be able to write automated tests using selenium and javaThis course will take you from basic to expert level step by step, we are covering all Ruby concepts which are required for selenium automation as well as you will be ready to face automation interviews
Section 1: Agenda & Environment Setup
Lecture 1 Course Agenda
Lecture 2 Ruby Introduction
Lecture 3 Ruby Setup
Lecture 4 Ruby Interactive Environment
Lecture 5 Ruby Gems
Section 2: Ruby Programming Basics
Lecture 6 First Ruby Program
Lecture 7 Print Data | Get Input and Comments
Lecture 8 BEGING and END block
Section 3: Ruby Programming Advance
Lecture 9 Class and Objects
Lecture 10 Working with Methods - Part 1
Lecture 11 Working with Methods - Part 2
Lecture 12 Working with Methods - Part 3
Lecture 13 Instance and Class Method
Lecture 14 What is Constructor
Lecture 15 Constructor with argument
Lecture 16 Why & where to use constructors
Section 4: Condition Handling
Lecture 17 Condition Handling | If - else
Lecture 18 Condition Handling | If - elsif - else
Lecture 19 Condition Handling | Nested If
Lecture 20 Condition Handling | with Conditional OR
Lecture 21 Condition Handling | with Conditional AND
Section 5: Different types of Variables
Lecture 22 Variable Types
Lecture 23 Local Variable
Lecture 24 Instance Variable
Lecture 25 Class Variable
Lecture 26 Global Variable
Section 6: Looping
Lecture 27 For Loop Basics
Lecture 28 For Loop - break keyword
Lecture 29 For Loop - Next keyword
Lecture 30 For Loop - Redo keyword
Lecture 31 While Loop
Lecture 32 Until Loop
Lecture 33 Each Loop
Section 7: Working with Arrays
Lecture 34 Array Basics
Lecture 35 Create Array | Insert | Fetch
Lecture 36 Common methods of Array Class - Part1
Lecture 37 Common methods of Array Class - Part-2
Lecture 38 Each Loop with Array
Section 8: String Handling
Lecture 39 What is String
Lecture 40 String Functions - Part 1
Lecture 41 String Functions - Part 2
Lecture 42 String Functions - Part 3
Lecture 43 String Functions - Part 4
Section 9: Working with Hash
Lecture 44 What is Hash
Lecture 45 Different approaches to create hash
Lecture 46 Common methods of Hash class
Lecture 47 Hash: Using symbol as key
Lecture 48 Each Loop with Hash
Section 10: Ruby - Read/ Write Data
Lecture 49 Reading data from file
Lecture 50 Write data to File
Lecture 51 Read and Write Data
Section 11: Modules
Lecture 52 What is Module
Lecture 53 Module Methods
Lecture 54 Class inside module
Lecture 55 Sub modules
Section 12: Exception Handling
Lecture 56 Exception Handling
Lecture 57 Multiple rescue block
Section 13: Excel Read/Write
Lecture 58 Read data from Excel Sheet
Lecture 59 Write Data to Excel Sheet
Section 14: OOPS Concept
Lecture 60 Inheritance
Lecture 61 Overriding
Section 15: Advance Ruby Options
Lecture 62 Set relative path
Lecture 63 Configuration File | YAML File
Section 16: Setup environment for Automation
Lecture 64 Setup Ruby Mine
Lecture 65 Ruby Mine Environment
Lecture 66 Setup Watir Webdriver Gem
Section 17: Start Automation
Lecture 67 Trigger Chrome Browser
Lecture 68 Trigger Firefox Browser
Lecture 69 Maximize browser window
Lecture 70 Browser Back, Forward and Refresh button
Lecture 71 Close Browser
Section 18: Commonly used methods
Lecture 72 Fetch complete Page Text
Lecture 73 Fetch Page URL
Lecture 74 Fetch Page Title
Section 19: Element Locators
Lecture 75 What is Element Locator
Lecture 76 Element Locator- Id
Lecture 77 Element Locator - Name
Lecture 78 Element Locators - Class
Lecture 79 Element Locators - Link
Lecture 80 Locate Element By Partial Link Text
Lecture 81 What is Xpath
Lecture 82 Generate Xpath Part-1
Lecture 83 Generate Xpath Part-2
Lecture 84 Generate Xpath Part-3
Section 20: Work on Elements
Lecture 85 Work on Text box
Lecture 86 Work on Button
Lecture 87 Work on Link
Lecture 88 Work on Radio Button
Lecture 89 Work on Dropdown or List
Section 21: Advance Interaction Options
Lecture 90 Perform keyword operations
Lecture 91 Press combination of keys
Section 22: Working with Test::Unit
Lecture 92 What is Test::Unit
Lecture 93 Test Case in Test Unit
Lecture 94 Setup method in Test Unit
Lecture 95 Teardown method in Test Unit
Lecture 96 Multiple test case in a class
Lecture 97 Test Unit Assertions
Section 23: Write Test Case using Test Unit Framework
Lecture 98 Create Test Case : Setup and Teardown
Lecture 99 Write test method
Lecture 100 Add Assertions
Section 24: BDD Introduction
Lecture 101 What is BDD(Behaviour Driven Development)
Lecture 102 Difference between TDD and BDD
Lecture 103 BDD Tool: Cucumber Basics
Lecture 104 Cucumber Gem Installation
Section 25: Gherkin Programming Details
Lecture 105 Gherkin Introduction : Feature Keyword
Lecture 106 Scenario Keyword
Lecture 107 Given Keyword
Lecture 108 When And Then keyword
Lecture 109 Backgroud
Lecture 110 Step Argument
Lecture 111 Scenario Outline
Lecture 112 Comments and Doc Strings
Lecture 113 Tags & Control Execution using Tags
Section 26: Step Definitions
Lecture 114 What is Step Definition
Lecture 115 Generate Steps
Lecture 116 Steps: Use data passed from Feature file
Section 27: Hooks in Detail
Lecture 117 What is Hooks
Lecture 118 Scenario Hook - Before
Lecture 119 Scenario Hook - After
Lecture 120 Run Tagged Scenario
Lecture 121 Tagged Hook
Lecture 122 Multiple Tagged Hook - Logical OR
Lecture 123 Multiple Tagged Hook - Logical AND
Section 28: Create E2E Project
Lecture 124 Setup Configuration Files
Lecture 125 End to End Project Structure
Lecture 126 Create Base Files
Lecture 127 Create Assertions
Lecture 128 Create Pages
Lecture 129 Test Cases
Section 29: Code Management using GIT
Lecture 130 Introduction to Git & GitHub
Lecture 131 Setup Git and GitHub
Lecture 132 Configure GIT with Username and Email
Lecture 133 Create Local Repository
Lecture 134 Commit File to Local Repository
Lecture 135 Undo Files from Stage to Untrack
Lecture 136 Check and Discard Changes
Lecture 137 Push Code to Remote Repository
Lecture 138 Clone Repository
Software QA and Testers who want to start career in automation,Anyone who is interested in learning software test automation
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