Make your own Procreate Brushes – The Complete Brush Studio Guide
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Make-your-own-Procreate-Brushes-The-Complete-Brush-Studio-Guide/2145387819?via=search-layout-grid
Genre / Category:Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :561MB
Have you ever tried to make your own brushes in Procreate but then got overwhelmed by all the different settings?I know just how you feel. I used Procreate for a long time before I actually started creating brushes because there were just too many options in the menu that I didn't want to deal with.
As someone who has crossed that bridge, let me tell you.. it's totally worth it (and slightly addictive)!Creating your own Procreate brushesis not only fun, but it's a great way tostreamline your processwhiletaking your artwork to the next level!
The great thing about creating your own brushes is that not only you'll save time by not having to redraw your most used elements over and over, but it will also help todevelop your personal style and make your artwork recognizable.
In this class, you'll learn all about Procreate'sBrush Studio. I broke down the main settings into bite size, manageable lessons, so I promise you it's not as scary as may seem. And once you understand these settings, you'll be able tocreate any brush you like.
Lessons include:
The different settings in the Brush StudioHow to create a new brush setEditing existing brushesCreating unique brushes scratchProcreate tips and tricks
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