Easy Procreate Watercolors – Create a Stylized Scientific Illustration
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Easy-Procreate-Watercolors-Create-a-Stylized-Scientific-Illustration/1968950942
Genre / Category:Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :455MB
In this class we'll create an easy watercolor effect in Procreate with just 4 brushes. I'll give you a quick introduction to Procreate's gallery features, how to use the color picker and create color palettes, how to use the split screen mode to use reference pictures (I'll provide you with mine), how to use the symmetry tool, I'll show you my secret tool to improve sketches without having to redraw everything constantly, and we'll create our watercolor butterfly and our background flowers using only brushes that are provided by Procreate. I'll even show you how to add a watercolor paper texture with a brush that is included with the class, and I'll show you how to make different variations of it. This class is packed full of little tips and tricks and an insight to how I work, so join me, and let's begin painting (digitally).
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