How To Paint Photos in Procreate: Let's Paint Breakfast!
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Genre / Category:Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :1.4GB
Hello, and welcome to my classLet's Paint Breakfast!If you love to take photos and have been searching for ways to transform your photos into works of fine art, you're in the right place. I'm starting a daily painting process for myself, and thought it would be fun to paint some food photos,so breakfast it is!
In this class, you will watch me paint two snapshot photos I took with my iPad. The first painting is of thesimple egg. The second painting features the entire breakfast meal of theegg on pancakes. And I do it all with onlyONE BRUSH, which is provided to you in the class resources!
In this class you will learn how I:
• Set up the canvas
• Position the photo on the canvas
• Paint the background in a way I desire, rather than what the photo depicts {bye bye paper towel roll!}
• Paint and blend with the provided brush
• Enhance the paintings with additional color, highlights, and brush strokes
• Finish out both paintings with a simple tool in the app iColorama
To do paintings like this, you'll need:
An iPadAn Apple PencilProcreate 5 installed on your iPadA basic understanding of how to use the features of Procreate, including installing brushesTheone simple brushI've provided you with in the resourcesAn understanding of how to take photos using your iPad, or transfer the photos you wish to paint onto your iPad, whether that be the photos I've provided you with or ones of your ownIf you wish to do the final step to finish out the painting, you will also need iColorama installed on your iPad
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