The Photo Printing Workshop with ALEX STROHL
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Genre / Category:Photography
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Get started on your printing journey. This workshop is built for photographers who have a strong understanding of how to use their cameras and editing tools but are not sure how to accurately print their images. Printing is fun. Printing will teach you about your photography. In filmmaking it is said that you learn to shoot while you edit. In photography, you learn how to shoot while you print. Translating images to paper will bring new ways to look at them: you will notice defects, catch things that shouldn't be there, as well as things that work really well. Printing your own photos is a right of passage for any ambitious photographer. This workshop is aimed towards photographers who have no experience printing their images. We take it from the ground up and all the way to the finish line. It is not pretentious or intimidating. All of the knowledge in this class is actionable and simple to understand.
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