Learn Krita 5 With Simple Exercises – Basic Digital Art For Beginners
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Learn-Krita-5-With-Simple-Exercises-Basic-Digital-Art-For-Beginners/1068820802?via=search-layout-grid
Genre / Category:Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :504MB
In this course you will learn all the basics of the completely free digital art software "Krita" quick and efficiently.
I will guide you through the installation process, the interface, the functions and actions, brushes, selections, layers, filters and the whole general process of creating your own artworks.
I believe that the best way to learn the basic functions of a drawing software is to create very simple artworks with it, because that allows you to test all the tools freely without having the pressure of creating something "natural" or "realistic".
So there are some fun and easy exercises awaiting you that you can do to get comfortable with Krita's functions!


