Urban Sketching – One Point Perspective Made Easy
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Urban-Sketching-One-Point-Perspective-Made-Easy/1540953872?via=search-layout-grid
Genre / Category:Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :751MB
Perspective in sketching and drawing is one of those 'scary' words. It can make us not want to sketch a scene, because it immediately feels like it's going to be a lot of work and effort.
But what if we could make perspective easy? What if we could make perspective work for us?
That is what I'd like to show you in this class!
Aims of this class
This class with be interactive – much more about doing and sketching than hours of theory. Though, there is some theory that is necessary to cover before we can get started.
So, expect this class to be 90% about learning whilst doing, and 10% about the background!
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