Drawing Animals: How to Draw Realistic Fur with Colored Pencils
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Drawing-Animals-How-to-Draw-Realistic-Fur-with-Colored-Pencils/1805497700?via=search-layout-grid
Genre / Category:Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :1GB
Drawing fur can feel daunting, particularly if you're still developing your coloured pencil skills. Often the colours can look right but the texture is lacking, or looks coarse and wirey when it was supposed to be soft. It's an absolutely fundamental skill if you're planning on drawing realistic animals, and the good news is that it doesn't need to be difficult!
By using some basic pencil techniques and following my 3 step fur drawing process, you can draw beautiful animals with ease.
In this class, I will show you:
The basic materials every color pencil artist needsThe fundamental pencil techniques used for drawing furEasy to follow steps for creating furHow to draw a little mouse, from the initial sketch to the finished drawing
My class is designed with beginners in mind, so I don't use a lot of technical words – everything is broken down and explained. Once I've explained the materials you'll need and the process we'll be following, we can draw a practice fur swatch. Then once you're confident in the techniques, we can draw a little mouse.