Watercolor Granulation Techniques: Painting A Minimalistic Snowy Landscape
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Watercolor-Granulation-Techniques-Painting-A-Minimalistic-Snowy-Landscape/686128308
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :1.4GB
Some watercolor pigments behave very differently from the rest. Some colors produce a smooth even wash, but others seem to have a mind of their own, creating beautiful textured patterns. For an absolute beginner with no prior experience with watercolors this particular granulating property might be confusing & difficult to handle.
This interesting aspect of watercolors can be attributed to it's GRANULATION PROPERTY.
In one of my practice sessions with watercolors, I discovered the expressive beauty of granulation paints and the incredible texture it produces in a painting. Personally, I was blown away by the expressiveness produced by these granulating pigments. The subtle textures created by granulation is something unique to watercolors!
Today, I am very excited to turn all those learning experiences into a class and share it with you – my dearest students.
Regardless of whether or not you have granulating watercolor pigments, do not worry, all watercolor enthusiasts can join this class. As later in the class, I will you help you to identify watercolors which exhibit granulation property from your own watercolor collection.
In this class you will learn:
What is granulation?Why certain pigments exhibit granulation?Factors that affect granulation.How to enhance granulation?Tricks to formulate your own granulate mix.Practical Implementation of Granulating Paints.Painting a Final Project with all the techniques covered in the course.
Takeaway-No matter, how long you have been painting with watercolors, this class is sure to provide you with some key insights about granulating paints and ways to incorporate them in your future projects.