Complete Procreate Course: Color Theory and Facial Features
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Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :3.1GB
Are you ready to take yourdigital art skills to the next levelwith Procreate? Whether you're a painter, designer, or just curious about the world of digital art, this course is the perfect guide for you.
In this course, you will learneverything you need to know about Procreate, from setting up your workspace and getting to know the app from A to Z, getting to know different brushes and working with layers.
This course is designed to give you adeep understanding of color theoryand its application in digital art with Procreate. You will learn about thecolor wheel, how tomix colors correctly, and theimportance of color harmonyin your artworks. You will also dive deep into learning aboutwarm and cool colors,complementary colorsand how to apply them on different examples.
Portrait artis another focal point of this course, where you will learn about thedifferent skin tonesand how to use color todraw and paint facial features.
We will explore thepsychology of colorand how it can be used toconvey emotionsand messages effectively in your artworks. With this comprehensive understanding of color theory and its application in Procreate, you will be able to take your digital art skills to the next level andcreate stunning and impactful artworks.
We will start by discussing the psychology of color in several case studies, and how it can be used to influence the emotions of your audience. You will get to study all the examples and learn how to practice them individually. Next, we will delve into the tips and hacks for using Procreate more effectively, andexplore the various tools and functions available in the app. You will learn about the different types of colors available in Procreate, and how to use color schemes to achieve your creative goals.
In addition to the core course content, you will also have access to step-by-step lessons on how to draw human facial features, including all about skin tone colors.
You will also have access to avariety of other resourcessuch asgridsandoutlinesto help you practice and improve your skills. By the end of the course, you will have a thorough grounding in both digital painting with Procreate, the use of the Procreate application, working with thedifferent brushes and layers, color theory and the psychology of color, and you will be well on your way to creating amazing artworks.
In addition to the core course content, you will also have access to anextra lessonfocusing oncolor marketing and branding. This lesson will provide an understanding of how color theory and design principles can be used in the context of marketing and branding. You will learn about howwell-known brandsuse color in their advertisements and branding to evoke emotions and create amemorable brand identity. You will also learn about the different marketing strategies used by these brands.
Through this comprehensive course, you will learn how to use Procreate, one of the most powerful illustration and design tools available for the iPad, to create stunning and clean artworks. We believe that thebest way to learn is through examples, so we will explore the fundamentals of digital painting and color theory, using real-world examples to illustrate key concepts and techniques.
This course is designed to be device-agnostic, meaning thatthe principles and techniques you learn in this course can be applied to any digital art software and device. Whether you're using an iPad with Procreate, a Surface with Sketchable, or a desktop with Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, the concepts and strategies you learn in this course will help you improve your digital art skills and create stunning and impactful artworks. The course is focused on Procreate but all the fundamentals of color, composition and the psychology of color can be applied to any other software and the knowledge is adaptable to any other software.
Let's take your digital art skills to the next level. Enrol in the course today and start creating beautiful and impactful artworks right AWAY.