DownloadHow to Record & Process Exceptional Audio for Creators : Video/Podcast/Music
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/How-to-Record-Process-Exceptional-Audio-for-Creators-VideoPodcastMusic/630148500
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :487MB
This course is a complete guide to the principles behind sound and recording audio. Now more than ever, people are choosing to listen to content, whether music, podcast, or audiobook. With so much content being consumed every day, as a creator, it's more important than ever to have crisp, clean, and professional sounding audio to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. Nothing is worse than trying to listen to valuable content that's distorted or recorded on a brick. But once you understand the science behind how sound works, you can begin to manipulate your environment and choose the correct equipment for your content creational needs. You won't have to worry about how to "fix" your audio after the fact because you'll know how to get it sounding right the moment you record it!
The course is designed for any creator or hobbyist who wants to understand how to get the best possible audio recordings regardless of their current set up. In this class you will learn :
what is sound and how our ears and brain interpret itproperties of sound acousticsoptimizing your recording environmentdifferent types of microphonesa framework for recording consistently excellent audiotaking audio to the next level in post production
By the end of this course, I want you to walk away with an excellent understanding of how sound interacts with the environment so you can set up a recording space that is well balanced and sounds spectacular regardless of where you are and what gear you own. I'd be happy to connect with you and help in your music and creative journey in any way possible!

DOWNLOAD Free: How to Record & Process Exceptional Audio for Creators : Video/Podcast/Music