Free Download Surface Pattern Design: Create & License Your First Fabric Collection
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Surface-Pattern-Design-Create-License-Your-First-Fabric-Collection/762128475
Genre / Category: Drawing & Painting , Art
File Size :664MB
In this surface pattern design class, you'll learn how tocreate and license your first fabric collection.
We'll look at every aspect of designing a cohesive pattern collection until this seemingly huge project becomes easily manageable and fun. And most importantly, until you feel confident and encouraged to start making plans for your beautiful pattern collection.
The first part of the class is acomprehensive step-by-step guidethat will give you the clarity and confidence to start planning your first pattern collection. You'll learn:
What pattern collection is and how to approach creating oneA difference between a mini collection and a full collectionThe number of designs to include in your pattern collectionThe types of prints in a collection and how to make them work togetherThe types of pattern repeats in a collection and how to use themHow to create a coordinated and unified collection
In the second part of the class, I'll share with you how I created my pattern collections and how I got my first licensing deal for fabrics. This part is filled withreal-life advice you'd hear from a friendand lots of takeaways related to:
Learning from your mistakesPromoting your pattern designsNavigating licensing agreementsWorking with a creative director
After licensing 2 fabric collections I gathered all my knowledge and experience to create this class that will give you a head start and make it easier for youto achieve your dreams of becoming a pattern designer with a licensed fabric collection.
This class is forbeginner and intermediate pattern designerswho want to start or get better at creating pattern collections.
Grab a favorite notebook and a pen, and let's get started.

DOWNLOAD FREE: Surface Pattern Design: Create & License Your First Fabric Collection