Free Download Portrait Photography for People with Camera Shyness | Gain the Courage to be Captured as You Are!
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You'd rather go to the dentist than have your portrait taken. You freeze when a camera is pointed at you, but you NEED a good photo portrait of yourself representing who you really are? This is your class.
Some of the things you'll do, learn and practice in this introductory class:
Committo gaining courage and showing up in front of a camera;
Get some insightinto the drivers of your camera shyness;
Get physical;
Prepare yourselffor a portrait session, mentally as well as physically;
Some really weird exercises;
Dynamic posing and taking chargeof your photo session instead of feeling like prey to the photographer;
Have your portrait taken;
Start looking at photos of yourselfwith kindness.
Courage = feeling shyness or fear and doing it anyway;
Learning happens best when we are relaxed and enjoying ourselves;
Get into action and practice (it is not enough to watch the videos);
Don't force it; take your time.
No experience with being photographed professionally is needed to enter this class. You may not even experience real camera-shyness and still benefit from growing your confidence and familiarity with the camera.
It is my belief that the best learning and personal growth results happen when we enjoy ourselves. I try to make the lessons playful and light, even though we'll do some comfort zone stretching and inner digging.
DOWNLOAD FREE: Portrait Photography for People with Camera Shyness | Gain the Courage to be Captured as You Are!