Free Download Karl Taylor Photography – Lighting Control (The Egg Challenge)
Content Source:https://visualeducation.com/class/live-workshop-post-production-techniques/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :1.4GB
We set Karl a challenge – to shoot an inanimate subject (namely an egg) in a single location with minimal different surfaces and backgrounds, and zero props. How did he do?
Karl demonstrates how, by thinking outside the box and using light creatively, it's possible to achieve great results – even when photographing simple subjects. Combining theory and practice, he reveals how the essentials of studio lighting can be applied for exciting results.
Using standard, affordable modifiers, as well as a few pro light shapers, Karl demonstrates important theoretical concepts relating to light and colour that can be used to better control studio lighting. These include how the size of the light impacts the hardness or softness of the light; how to mix hard and soft light and how to create completely shadowless light; and how to easily create an affordable DIY alternative for projection attachments.
In this live show, drawing on his knowledge of light and lighting control, Karl covers a number of techniques for controlling the mood and feel of an image, including:
Light positionLight directionLight hardness and softnessLight colourChoice of modifierInvoking emotionCompositionSculpting the subject

DOWNLOAD FREE: Karl Taylor Photography – Lighting Control (The Egg Challenge)
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