Free Download Eric Bennett – "Less Is More" – Processing Intimate Scenes
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Kitchen accessories 01In this tutorial video I show how to tastefully process intimate scenes where you don't have dramatic lighting or colorful skies to work with. You will learn how to find the perfect balance of power and subtlety in order to achieve a clean and intriguing result within a smaller scene. I cover my simple workflow of these two images from start to finish, including the decisions I made while composing and shooting these scenes in the field. The main techniques covered are, but not limited to: Using luminosity masks for shadow recovery, midtone contrast, increasing overall luminosity, enhancing light, adding definition, color separation, and color correction. I also cover dodging and burning, adding Orton, adding subtle vignettes, removing unwanted objects through cloning, and making local color and brightness adjustments. This video will help give you direction in order to shoot and process intimate scenes in the field and achieve a dramatic and powerful result without needing to include skies or multiple objects.