Adobe After Effects 2021 18.4.1 (x64) Portable | 2.43 GB
About building
Adobe After Effects 2021 v18.4.1.4 Portable
System requirements for the build .
- Windows 10 x64
- Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005-2019
Removed .
- Libraries
- AdobeCrashReport
- AdobeIPCBroker
- crashpad_handler
- CRLogTransport
- CRWindowsClientService
- CCXProcess
Features and settings
After starting any Turbo Studio portables, HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Sofware \ Spoon \ SandboxCache keys are created and
unique branches of the type 4B1A9646BDF4C4DE are generated under different names , corresponding to the portable being launched. this is a feature of the developers)
bat-file with the code: reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Spoon" / f exit deletes the garbage entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Sofware \ Spoon in the registry.
If you need to reset all program settings, close After Effects, delete the portable folder and apply the bat file.
Connecting plugins from the Plugins folder .
You can add plugins compiled only in Turbo Studio (TS) to the Portable Plugins folder
For plugins to work, the Plugins folder must be located next to the After Effects.exe executable file before starting the program
( after adding or replacing plugins in the Plugins folder, restart After Effects )
after uninstalling the plugin, you must exit the program and remove the sandbox otherwise the program may not start
Installation their plugins and other components into the assembly .
path for extension panels
After Effects \ roaming \ modified \ @ PROGRAMFILESCOMMON @ \ Adobe \ CEP \ extensions \ (extension folder)
path for plugins
After Effects \ roaming \ modified \ @ PROGRAMFILES @ \ Adobe \ Adobe After Effects 2020 \ Support Files \ Plug-ins \ (plug-in or plug-ins folder)
After Effects \ roaming \ modified \ @ PROGRAMFILESCOMMON @ \ Adobe \ Plug-Ins \ CC \ (plug-in or folder with plug-ins)
Additional components are installed in the folder corresponding to the real system of the After Effects portable
(create these folders manually if they are missing)
Fonts (fonts) - must be installed on the real system.
(After installing plugins and other components, restart After Effects)
About plugins .
- Camera Raw 14.0
- Essential Graphics
- Neat Video 4.1.1
- AfterCodecs 2.2.0 beta1
MAXON Computer GmbH
- Cinema 4D R25.015
- Twixtor Pro 7.3.1
Compiled in Turbo Studio .
Year / Date of Release : 2021
Version :
Developer : Adobe Systems
Developer site :
Bit depth : 64bit
Interface language : en-US
Tablet : cured
Assembly type : Portable
System Requirements After Effects
Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010-2019