Mike Goldman – Breakthrough Growth
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Genre / Category: Bussiness and Marketing
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Product Details In my 30+ years of consulting and coaching, I've learned that you can't build a sustainably great company without a great leadership team. As a result, the powerful framework I've developed to achieve breakthrough growth included.
When you started your business, you dreamed of.
- Making more money
- Having more time
- Gaining more freedom
- Having more impact
- Feeling more fulfilled
But you're overwhelmed by many obstacles that have gotten in the way.
- It feels almost impossible to attract or keep the right people
- Your team doesn't have the passion for the business you do
- There is minimal team discipline and accountability
- Your leadership team is not structured effectively
- The lack of an empowering, collaborative company culture
- You and your team are not scaling with the business
And the result of that is.
- The lack of consistent profitable growth
- You're feeling stressed and overwhelmed
- Your frustration has started to impact other areas of your life
- You're feeling discouraged and losing the confidence that you're good enough to create a great business
- It's harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning because you're falling out of love with your business.
Why did I create this course?
I know, I've been there, and that's exactly why I dedicated the last 13 years helping people just like you who were struggling with the same thing. Before I started working with my clients, their businesses weren't growing, and they felt frustrated, overwhelmed and discouraged. However, once they realized that there was a proven, repeatable framework for growth, they were able to achieve breakthrough growth.
By following this process, you will:
- Achieve consistent top and bottom-line business growth
- Create a fulfilling, growing environment for your team
- Have greater impact on clients and on society
- Feel a level of fulfillment about your business that impacts all areas of your life
- Feel a sense of confidence and pride that you can absolutely create the business you've always dreamed of


