Easy Acrylic Landscape Painting Projects
Home Page https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Easy-Acrylic-Landscape-Painting-Projects/464740784
Genre / Category:
Drawing and Painting & Art
File Size :1.1GB
Product Details
In this class I will share many landscape demonstrations and teach you step-by-step how to paint awesome, expressive landscape artwork. It's a fun, relaxing and educational! It's suited for all levels, not just beginners. If you have experience but find yourself stuck this is a perfect class to dive into!
The class will kickoff with a short lesson on my materialsjust in case you have questions about specific hues, brands, brush sizes, etc.
Then we will start painting. Each demo is filmed and edited so that it's uncut and in real time! So, you won't be scratching your head wondering why the demo jumped ahead and nothing was explained.
Each lesson is narrated with very useful tips and ideas. I will cover many aspects including color mixing, design, composition, brushwork and more.


