From Self Doubt to Creative Power with Photography & Journaling || part of The Inner Critic Series
Content Source:https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/From-Self-Doubt-to-Creative-Power-with-Photography-Journaling-part-of-The-Inner-Critic-Series/1095872552?via=search-layout-grid
Genre / Category:Photography
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In this second class in the Inner Critic Series, you'll go on a creative inner journey, that will bring you closer to your Inner Critic. You will learn about the background of your Inner Critic, get crafty, dress up, have a dialogue with your Inner Critic and then TURN INTO your Inner Critic and take a self portrait. "Waaaaah! What good will that do?"
Believe it or not, you will not only get to know your Inner Critic better; you will also befriend it and start using it to your benefit. You will discover it doesn't have to go away in order for you to function well and freely. By creating the self portrait, you will externalise this quality of yours (yes, it is a quality) and it is a reminder that it ≠ not you, but a part of you.
By becoming more empowered in the process, you will go from self doubt to more creative power!
In my first class in The Inner Critic Series, you could already meet your Inner Critic by doing a daunting little exercise. (You can watch the classes in any order.)
In this class, you'll go deeper and you will learn more about where the Inner Critic comes from and what its function is. It is more useful than you think! It just needs to learn to behave better, and you will be teaching your Inner Critic just that.
My approach to self inquiry is playful and light. You will dive into yourself deeper, yet in a playful manner. Do this at your own pace and if it brings up strong emotions, make sure to pay attention to those.
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