Free Download Beginner's Guide to OBS Studio | Start Streaming, Broadcasting and Recording Today!.
✅File Name:Beginner's Guide to OBS Studio | Start Streaming, Broadcasting and Recording Today!
✅Home Page :https://www.skillshare.com/en/classes/Beginners-Guide-to-OBS-Studio-Start-Streaming-Broadcasting-and-Recording-Today/1387538193
✅Genre / Category:Photography
✅File Size :159 MB
✅Publisher:skillshare ⭐Updated and Published:January 01, 2024
⭐Product Details
Connecting with an online community has never been more important, and the best way to do that is by live, interactive online streaming. This Skillshare course will teach you how to use Open Broadcasting Software (OBS Studio) to reach an online audience. From setting up your first scene to using overlays and transitions, using OBS Studio can seem like a daunting and tedious task. Throughout this class, I will guide you, step by step, and you will leave this course feeling confident in your new ability to record, stream and broadcast live using OBS Studio.
What You'll Learn:
First Steps –Downloading, installing and starting to understand the interface, settings, and essential features to get you started quickly.Connecting Hardware –Set up your microphone, headphones, speakers and webcams.Connecting Software –FREE OBS Studio with streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube.Creating Scenes and Using Transitions –Learn about how and when to use scenes and change up your transitionMaking Your First Scene –Adding key components including graphics, gameplay and screen recording.Recording –Complete your first recording with your new scenes to test your setup so farAdvanced Features –Dive into the world of advanced features such as enhanced audio and visual settings, addings plug-ins and more.